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Innovation and reaction
Julian Disney
7 February 2025
A new history of Australia’s postwar welfare system provides plenty of lessons for a better future
National affairs
Is migration heading “back to normal”?
Peter Mares
16 December 2023
The government has outlined its vision for skilled migration but it still has lots of colouring in to do
National affairs
The ageing alarmists won’t let go
John Quiggin
4 September 2023
Fears about the impact of increasing longevity haven’t aged well
National affairs
Skill up or sink
Peter Mares
28 April 2023
Labor has taken bold steps towards recasting Australia’s migration system, but difficult questions remain
From the Ludlow Massacre to the Nobel Prize
Brett Evans
21 October 2021
How one of the worst days in US labour history led to this month’s prize for economist David Card
National affairs
Taking the pain out of the carbon transition
Mike Steketee
20 October 2021
The Nationals say they’re worried about jobs — but we know from experience how to handle the move away from fossil fuel–based employment
National affairs
Does immigration mean lower wages?
Adam Triggs
20 July 2021
Despite the popularly held belief, there is no evidence that immigration reduces wages in Australia
On economics, America has moved left
John Quiggin
8 March 2021
Public support for much greater government spending has grown in the United States, and the economic risks can be managed
National affairs
Go hard, go early, go renewables
Tim Colebatch
3 March 2021
Ever the optimist, Ross Garnaut has a plan for Australia’s economic future
National affairs
The sad decline of economic partisanship
Adam Triggs
15 February 2021
The Labor and Liberal parties are in a race to the bottom in too many areas of economic policy
National affairs
Labor’s industrial relations gamble
Carol Johnson
11 February 2021
History shows where Anthony Albanese’s IR push is likely to run into trouble
National affairs
How casual became predictable
David Peetz
17 December 2020
Casual employment can be fixed, but not the way the government wants to do it
Essays & reportage
Can we make work work?
Andrew Leigh
27 November 2020
| Are myths about jobs stopping us from seeing our working lives clearly?
National affairs
Covid-19: where next?
Tim Colebatch
24 September 2020
Progress continues in Victoria, nationally and in much of Asia, but the international figures remain grim
National affairs
Why I changed my mind about super
Saul Eslake
11 September 2020
How one economist came to have doubts about the plan to lift the compulsory superannuation contribution rate
National affairs
Modern Monetary Theory: a solution in search of a problem
Adam Triggs
31 August 2020
Most of modern monetary theory is not new. And what is new isn’t plausible
National affairs
Is a job guarantee the answer?
Adam Triggs
24 August 2020
The idea is plagued by economic, operational and political challenges — and there is a simpler solution
Essays & reportage
All hands on deck
Michael Dillon
21 August 2020
Noel Pearson’s job guarantee plan meets its most powerful critic: the newspaper that published it
National affairs
Workers versus consumers: a false tradeoff
Adam Triggs
17 August 2020
Are trade, competition and technology good for consumers but bad for workers? History shows otherwise
National affairs
Hard-hat utopians
John Quiggin
12 July 2020
State and federal strategies are ignoring where the jobs really are
National affairs
Are we in Accord?
Frank Bongiorno
27 May 2020
Whatever Scott Morrison has in mind, it doesn’t sound a lot like the 1980s Labor–union agreement
National affairs
A chance to do better for migrants, and for the economy
Annabel Brown and Caitlin McCaffrie
25 May 2020
Covid-19 has exposed the flaws in Australia’s treatment of temporary migrants. Fortunately, a blueprint for change already exists
National affairs
Covid-19 trade-offs: the full story
James Morley
8 May 2020
Partial accounts of the economic and health effects of Australia’s response understate its success
National affairs
The high price of sovereignty
Adam Triggs
4 May 2020
Those calling for an economically independent Australia neglect to mention the huge costs it would impose on living standards
National affairs
Are the IMF’s forecasts too pessimistic?
John Quiggin
20 April 2020
With the right policies, the IMF’s recovery can happen with less pain than forecast
National affairs
Are the IMF’s forecasts too optimistic?
Danielle Wood and Brendan Coates
20 April 2020
We should beware of magical thinking about the Covid-19 recovery
National affairs
Suspended sentence
Abul Rizvi
15 April 2020
Scott Morrison’s “go home” message is bad for hundreds of thousands of temporary residents — and will slow the recovery
National affairs
Rebuilding the economy after Covid-19
Adam Triggs
7 April 2020
What we should and shouldn’t change once the crisis is over
National affairs
Measuring the downturn
Saul Eslake
27 March 2020
What are the best estimates of the pandemic’s impact on the Australian economy and the job market?
Essays & reportage
More Star Trek than Terminator?
Joshua Gans and Andrew Leigh
25 November 2019
Can the hopes of tech optimists and the fears of tech pessimists be reconciled?
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