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Books & arts
Letting the repellent in
Patrick Mullins
30 April 2021
The biographer who promised not to be prim or judgemental has his own scandal to deal with
Books & arts
Reckless game
Brian McFarlane
11 February 2021
| A lifetimes’s flirting with danger lay behind the fictions of Graham Greene
Books & arts
A hard nut in the centre
Susan Lever
18 December 2020
| A writer’s complex life emerges in Helen Garner’s diaries
Books & arts
From cold warrior to Tory radical
Peter Love
14 December 2020
The long writing career of John le Carré, who died on Saturday
Books & arts
Imaginative affinities
Susan Lever
10 September 2020
| Australian modernist literature looks a little different through an international lens
From the archive
What more can we expect?
Susan Lever
21 July 2020
Elizabeth Harrower’s fiction vividly evokes mid-twentieth-century Australia
Books & arts
Iannucci gets inside Dickens
Brian McFarlane
10 July 2020
An unlikely coupling produces a vivid two hours of cinematic storytelling
Books & arts
Deeper truths
Susan Lever
6 April 2020
| What can novels tell us about how political ideas circulate?
Books & arts
Emma rules again
Brian McFarlane
6 March 2020
| Autumn de Wilde takes just enough liberties with Jane Austen’s classic
Books & arts
Like lying on the analyst’s couch
Sara Dowse
2 March 2020
| Literary critic Vivian Gornick’s latest book is as much about life as it is about reading
Books & arts
Rich world’s folly
Susan Lever
19 November 2019
| Andrew McGahan was a talented writer with a strong ethical sense who never took himself too seriously
Books & arts
Being there
Libby Robin
15 November 2019
| Heather Rose has written a novel for uncertain times
From the archive
Fabber & Fabber
Jock Given
16 August 2019
The Russell Square twins, Fabberdum and Fabberdee, Fabber & Fabber — whatever the nickname, the story of the famed London publisher reveals a lot about how creative…
From the archive
Ferrante’s dangerous genius
Jane Goodall
6 December 2018
HBO’s carefully paced adaptation of
My Brilliant Friend
brings a corner of Naples to life
Books & arts
An adaptation for grown-ups
Brian McFarlane
6 December 2018
The Children Act
succeeds because of its ideas as much as its narrative
Anna Burns, a Booker with soul
David Hayes
17 October 2018
The Belfast novelist’s prize underlines the BBC’s cultural drift
National affairs
Stranger than fiction
Graeme Smith
10 October 2018
Two journalist–novelists compare notes on Chinese espionage
Books & arts
Writers over America
Susan Lever
25 September 2018
| Critics and readers in the United States played a little-known role in the history of Australian fiction
Books & arts
The man and his city
Shane Maloney
30 August 2018
From the archive | Shane Maloney
surveys the career of one of Sydney’s best-known fictional characters and the achievement of his creator, Peter Corris, who died this week
Books & arts
Two novels, two films
Brian McFarlane
16 July 2018
| Translating short works to the screen has its special challenges
Books & arts
Sara Dowse
9 July 2018
| Two writers grapple with the demands of motherhood, real and imagined
Books & arts
Hell or high waters
Glenn Nicholls
7 April 2018
| A remarkable novel by a one-time internee in Australia has attracted critical acclaim in Germany
Books & arts
Writers writing about writers and writing
Susan Lever
18 December 2017
| Publishers seem to prefer other writers — rather than critics — to write about writers
Kazuo Ishiguro: a sense of freedom
David Hayes
10 October 2017
Letter from London
| A Nobel award gives the British novelist’s voice as well as his work a new authority
Essays & reportage
Publishing’s parallel universe
Louise Merrington
5 October 2017
Self-publishing need no longer be a second-best option, especially if you’re a writer of genre fiction
Books & arts
Beautiful dystopia
Jane Goodall
11 July 2017
| Margaret Atwood’s
The Handmaid’s Tale
makes a mostly smooth transition to the screen
Books & arts
The sense of an adaptation
Brian McFarlane
25 May 2017
The Sense of an Ending
reveals another way of translating fiction onto the screen
Books & arts
Reaping what was sown
Susan Lever
4 May 2017
An unconventional history shows us personal and emotional engagements with the history of the WA wheatbelt
Books & arts
The adaptable Winifred Holtby
Brian McFarlane
20 March 2017
Out of the unpromising material of local government, Winifred Holtby created a fine novel that went on to be filmed three times
Books & arts
Crimes and misdemeanours
Jane Goodall
3 January 2017
| Holiday viewing tips from
Inside Story
’s TV writer
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