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National affairs
Death and taxes
Owain Emslie and Danielle Wood
8 August 2019
Despite the scare campaigns, an inheritance tax makes a lot of economic sense
National affairs
Is Newstart really the pacesetter Scott Morrison says it is?
Peter Whiteford
10 July 2019
Whichever way you measure it, Australia’s unemployment benefit is far from being “one of the best safety nets, if not the best, of anywhere in the world”
National affairs
If we won’t fix negative gearing, then what?
Peter Mares
7 June 2019
Part of Labor’s housing strategy could be adapted to lift affordability, and might just appeal to the government
Essays & reportage
A rising tide that hasn’t lifted all boats
Peter Whiteford
31 May 2019
Is Australia becoming more equal, as some observers claim? The evidence tells a different story
National affairs
Housing boom, housing bust. What comes next?
Tim Colebatch
24 May 2019
The government must make clear that it doesn’t want any more booms
Time to rethink the Great Australian Dream
Peter Clarke, Wendy Stone and Peter Mares
30 April 2019
Election 2019
| The central goals of housing policy have been lost in debates about tax breaks for landlords
Essays & reportage
Expecting the unexpected
Peter Whiteford
30 April 2019
Australia does better than the United States in helping households cope with volatile incomes and unforeseen expenses — but there’s plenty of room for improvement
National affairs
How to make Australia fairer
Carmela Chivers
20 March 2019
We’re doing better than many comparable countries, but that’s not enough
Books & arts
Why houses cost too much
Brendan Coates
11 February 2019
| A blind spot among economists has helped price housing out of reach
Books & arts
The real story of Labor’s dividend imputation reforms
Brendan Coates & Danielle Wood
3 February 2019
Grattan Institute researchers show who wins and who loses from Labor’s hotly debated tax policy
National affairs
Paying for class in Australia’s schools
Chris Bonnor
1 February 2019
Focusing on local schools is the first step to restoring equity in education
Books & arts
This is America
Sara Dowse
20 December 2018
| Michelle Obama’s memoir also reveals much about the state of the nation
National affairs
Why social policy counts
Peter Whiteford
30 November 2018
Have we forgotten the economic significance of the welfare system?
National affairs
The (reassuring) truth about retirement incomes
Brendan Coates & John Daley
9 November 2018
Despite what the industry is saying, we don’t need to lift the superannuation guarantee to 12 per cent
From the archive
Buyer’s luck
Peter Mares
18 September 2018
Peter purchased, Carolyn rented, and then the market (and bad policies) took over
National affairs
“You don’t see people sleeping on the streets”
Peter Mares
7 September 2018
Finland’s Housing First strategy has all but eradicated homelessness. Could the same approach work in Australia?
How America’s War on Poverty became a war on the poor
Lesley Russell
17 August 2018
The Trump administration says the decades-old effort to reduce poverty is over, for all the wrong reasons
National affairs
Good times, bad times
Peter Whiteford
5 July 2018
New figures confirm that inequality has risen in Australia in recent decades, mainly fuelled by gains among the highest earners
Essays & reportage
Rising to the challenge of inequality
Andrew Leigh
15 June 2018
Thomas Piketty and his colleagues have used new data to track inequality and sharpen the choices we face
National affairs
Four myths about income tax
John Daley
8 June 2018
The debate about the Turnbull government’s income tax cuts is being sidetracked by misconceptions
Books & arts
Populism now?
Shaun Crowe
6 June 2018
Shaun Crowe
reviews David McKnight’s
Populism Now!
National affairs
Is Australia’s tax and welfare system too progressive?
Peter Whiteford
1 June 2018
Critics say that high earners are paying too much tax. What does the evidence say?
National affairs
An end to the industrial model of schooling?
Dean Ashenden
4 May 2018
The latest Gonski report points a way to the future of school reform, but has not broken with its disastrous past
National affairs
Not so super
Brendan Coates, John Daley & Trent Wiltshire
29 April 2018
Increasing the Superannuation Guarantee will help the rich at the expense of the poor
National affairs
Government by algorithm
Mike Steketee
6 April 2018
Automated welfare didn’t end with the robodebt controversy. Here and overseas, governments are turning vital decisions over to computers
National affairs
What if Goulburn’s Catholic schools were closed again?
Chris Bonnor
28 March 2018
By promising special funding deals for Catholic schools, Labor is reviving the earliest deal-making in the “state aid” battle. What did that compromise actually achieve?
National affairs
Closing some gaps, opening others
Chris Bonnor
19 February 2018
Rising averages mask deepening inequalities in Indigenous education
National affairs
There’s no silver bullet when it comes to housing affordability
Brendan Coates
12 January 2018
Treasury’s advice on negative gearing shows why tax reforms alone won’t solve the housing affordability crisis
Books & arts
A big reality
Jane Goodall
3 December 2017
| The second season of
Struggle Street
points to something much deeper than poverty
National affairs
Does public housing have a community-run future?
Peter Mares
30 November 2017
Projects in Australia and Britain are showing how social housing can be more nimble and responsive
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