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National affairs
Fixing Australia’s democratic deficit
Geoff Heriot
17 October 2014
Australians buying a used car benefit from clear consumer safeguards, writes
Geoff Heriot
. Why not accord voters similar protection from the excesses of campaigning politicians?
Books & arts
Money and morality
Stuart Macintyre
19 September 2014
Stuart Macintyre
reviews a new biography of the titan of Australian newspaper proprietors, David Syme
National affairs
If an election had been held on the weekend…
Peter Brent
7 August 2014
What happens when you add a hypothetical to a hypothetical?
Peter Brent
casts a sceptical eye over the polling industry
Fear and favour
Ross Tapsell
16 July 2014
The polarisation of Indonesia’s media during the election campaign has renewed the debate over the nexus between proprietors and politics, writes
Ross Tapsell
National affairs
Gay rights and gay wrongs
Graham Willett
15 July 2014
In its coverage of gay law reform over the past fifty years, the
has charted a course from pacesetter to curmudgeon, writes
Graham Willett
in this…
National affairs
In praise of the strong proprietor
Mark Day
14 July 2014
exists because Rupert Murdoch is an old-fashioned media mogul willing to follow his instincts, argues former editor
Mark Day
in this talk from…
National affairs
Wacky backy
Rodney Tiffen
12 July 2014
When the
waded into the tobacco packaging debate it was met with a barrage of well-informed criticism. The paper’s response was to dig in
Essays & reportage
Near-death on Mort Street
Peter Browne
6 July 2014
By the time the first edition of the
hit the streets, a vital part of Rupert Murdoch’s strategy had gone awry
Books & arts
True believers
Sybil Nolan
29 May 2014
Saturday Paper
displays both the strengths and limitations of a primarily print-based publication, writes
Sybil Nolan
National affairs
The ABC of patriotism
Geoff Heriot
8 May 2014
Alleged “Anti-military Bohemian Collective” member
Geoff Heriot
argues that the cause of true patriotism requires more than cheerleaders and symbolism
Books & arts
Seduction or safety?
Matthew Ricketson
5 May 2014
Writer Joe McGinniss, who died in March, became a lightning rod for criticism of the way journalists deal with their sources, writes
Matthew Ricketson
On trial for hacking: the story so far
Rodney Tiffen
13 February 2014
It’s now the defence’s turn to put its case in the News International phone-hacking trial in London.
Rodney Tiffen
untangles the testimony to date
Books & arts
New news is better than no news
Scott Bridges
22 January 2014
A new book encourages a different way of thinking about “news" and how it’s presented on television, writes
Scott Bridges
Books & arts
The worst-reported and least-understood foreign conflict in Australian history
Tom Hyland
22 January 2014
That’s the conclusion of a careful analysis of how the media handled Afghanistan, writes
Tom Hyland
The Jokowi phenomenon
Ross Tapsell
16 January 2014
In Jakarta,
Ross Tapsell
profiles the city governor who could be the next president of Indonesia
Essays & reportage
Cold war, soft diplomacy
Alan Fewster
14 January 2014
As the Cold War intensified in the mid fifties, Australia saw a special role for itself in disseminating information and propaganda in Southeast Asia, writes
Alan Fewster
National affairs
Yes, it is our ABC
Rodney Tiffen
5 December 2013
The gulf between the views of the public and the ABC’s vocal critics is large and growing, writes
Rodney Tiffen
National affairs
Rupert Murdoch’s sixtieth anniversary and the hazards of longevity
Rodney Tiffen
16 October 2013
Rupert Murdoch may have set a world record for longevity in corporate governance, but his reputation would stand higher if he had retired ten years ago, writes
Rodney Tiffen
Books & arts
Caught on a fast-moving train
Scott Bridges
13 September 2013
Journalism is increasingly becoming a matter of selecting from an avalanche of material, writes
Scott Bridges
Books & arts
The mystery at the heart of the statistical survey
Scott Ewing
6 September 2013
Scott Ewing
reviews an indispensable guide to a world constantly being measured and surveyed
Election 2013: The view from up above
David Hayes
28 August 2013
Britain’s media coverage of Australia’s election is lively but limited, finds
David Hayes
Essays & reportage
Winning the battle of ideas
Dennis Altman
26 August 2013
In many ways the opposition has already won this election by shifting the political middle ground, writes
Dennis Altman
Essays & reportage
The war the bloggers won
Greg Jericho
23 August 2013
Political bloggers brought a new rigour to interpreting the polls
National affairs
Col Allan, Murdoch’s $100 million man
Rodney Tiffen
15 August 2013
Shareholders might be wise to worry about Rupert Murdoch’s “gifted tabloid editor,” writes
Rodney Tiffen
Essays & reportage
The lobby group that got more bang for its buck
James Panichi
1 July 2013
Targeting marginal seats is nothing new in politics, but the gambling industry has shown it can work for lobby groups too.
James Panichi
pieces together the story
National affairs
The government’s media reforms: what 499 readers thought
Ken Haley and Andrew Dodd
17 June 2013
What we think about media regulation correlates strongly with what we read, write
Ken Haley
Andrew Dodd
Books & arts
I get by with a little help from my friends
Frank Bongiorno
23 May 2013
Frank Bongiorno
reviews Nick Cater’s
The Lucky Culture
From the archive
The privatisation of political life
James Panichi
1 March 2013
When politicians start invading their own privacy, it’s not surprising that the media follow their lead
Essays & reportage
The year in truth
Jock Given
6 December 2012
Jock Given
looks back on 2012, the year the reality gap seemed to widen
From scandal to reform: Leveson’s way forward
Rodney Tiffen
6 December 2012
The Leveson report's case for more rigorous press accountability was immediately undercut by David Cameron, but despite the cheers from the tabloids, the prime minister has backed…
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