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Essays & reportage
“Queue jumpers” and the perils of crossing Sydney Harbour on a Manly ferry
Klaus Neumann
1 October 2014
The treatment of boat arrivals during the 1977 federal election campaign shows that political orthodoxy doesn’t always prevail, writes
Klaus Neumann
Books & arts
La vita difficile
Angela Daly
30 September 2014
Away from the holiday playgrounds, Europe is running on low-paid labour, writes
Angela Daly
Books & arts
Almost migrants
Peter Mares
28 July 2014
New visa arrangements make it possible for international students to study and work in Australia for many years without necessarily being on a path to permanent residency, writes…
National affairs
Temporary migration: the pressure points
Henry Sherrell
9 May 2014
Australia’s temporary visa program is generally operating well, but new data shows where problems are emerging, writes
Henry Sherrell
National affairs
The asylum-seeker plan that keeps disappearing over the horizon
Peter Browne
9 April 2014
The collateral damage is too great for policy-by-slogan to be sustainable, writes
Peter Browne
. The alternative can bring benefits for asylum seekers and for Australia
National affairs
New ways to dud Kiwis
Peter Mares
9 April 2014
New Zealand has reacted to proposed changes to Australian social security law by raising discrimination concerns with Canberra, writes
Peter Mares
Books & arts
Picnics and politics
Kate Bagnall
24 January 2014
Chinese-Australian community leaders created a new perception of the Chinese in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, writes
Kate Bagnall
Will the DREAM of US immigration reform become reality in 2014?
Peter Mares
3 January 2014
Optimism is growing, reports
Peter Mares
in New York, but getting the legislation through Congress will only be the first of the challenges
Books & arts
Refugees making history
Klaus Neumann
9 December 2013
Klaus Neumann
reviews two books that put displaced people at the heart of contemporary history
National affairs
The visa and the damage done
Peter Mares
22 November 2013
Will history repeat itself when the Coalition’s temporary protection visa regulations reach the Senate?
Peter Mares
looks at the impact of Labor’s decision in 1999
We are here to stay
Klaus Neumann
5 November 2013
Africans living under the shadow of removal in Hamburg have been able to articulate their own agenda, writes
Klaus Neumann
, and football fans and residents are backing them
National affairs
Falling between the cracks of temporary migration
Peter Mares
1 November 2013
A British nurse who wanted to make her life in Australia now finds herself caught out by circumstance, writes
Peter Mares
Books & arts
The ethical case for guest workers
Peter Mares
21 October 2013
A new book argues that it is morally defensible to restrict migrants’ rights in order to give them access to the benefits of increased migration, writes
Peter Mares
National affairs
Mollifying Malaysia
Clive Kessler
11 October 2013
Despite Tony Abbott’s apology, the memory of the Coalition’s attack on the Malaysian Solution will linger in Kuala Lumpur, writes
Clive Kessler
National affairs
“I’ve lost all hope that I can have a life here”
Emily Howie
30 September 2013
Four years after the civil war ended, many Tamils have no expectation of peace or safety in Sri Lanka’s Northern Province, reports
Emily Howie
. This is what drives…
National affairs
Immigration’s unanswered questions
Peter Mares
3 September 2013
The immigration department is months behind in answering questions from Senate estimate committees – questions that would provide vital information about the…
National affairs
The deaths on 21 June 2012: WA’s coroner reports
Tony Kevin
1 August 2013
Over one hundred people died in the waters between Indonesia and Christmas Island on 21 June 2012 after repeated calls for help. This week’s coroner’s report calls…
National affairs
Why we would gain from a regional approach to refugee protection
Anne McNevin
31 July 2013
What would a sustainable regional approach look like?
Anne McNevin
outlines the main features – and benefits – of an alternative to the Labor–Coalition…
National affairs
How to break the people smugglers’ real business model
Anne McNevin
25 July 2013
Both the government and the opposition are focusing on the wrong problem, writes
Anne McNevin
National affairs
Attentiveness and indifference
Klaus Neumann
22 July 2013
Two cases from Europe show that there are other ways of understanding irregular migrants, writes
Klaus Neumann
National affairs
Bob Carr and the ghost of Philip Ruddock
Peter Mares
2 July 2013
The foreign minister’s tough talking on asylum seekers doesn’t fit with the facts, writes
Peter Mares
National affairs
No country is an island
Arja Keski-Nummi
27 June 2013
Arja Keski-Nummi
looks at how Australia can take the lead in developing regional solutions to the regional challenge of informal migration
National affairs
457s and temporary migration: the bigger picture
Peter Mares
26 June 2013
The debate about the implications of this fundamental shift in policy has barely begun
National affairs
Fixing and fiddling on 457s
Peter Mares
7 June 2013
The federal government’s reforms of the temporary visa scheme deal with longstanding problems, writes
Peter Mares
, but there’s more to be done
China’s museum-style multiculturalism
James Leibold
23 May 2013
“Stability maintenance” is translating into greater surveillance, but the Chinese government’s response to ethnic frictions looks to be unsustainable, writes…
National affairs
Temporary migration is a permanent thing
Peter Mares
29 March 2013
There is a debate to be had about 457 visas, but it’s not the one we’ve been having
National affairs
We know about the 457. What about the 485?
Peter Mares
28 March 2013
A different visa category could be the subject of future debates about temporary migration, writes
Peter Mares
Caught between homelands
Jane McAdam
15 March 2013
If climate change hastens migration in the Pacific, two twentieth-century cases could be useful guides, writes
Jane McAdam
Books & arts
Richer, more contentious, more powerful and more confusing
Kerry Brown
13 February 2013
China is changing fast but its greatest challenges remain the same. And at the centre is the blackest of black boxes, writes
Kerry Brown
Books & arts
At home among the exiles
Glenn Nicholls
10 October 2012
Glenn Nicholls
reviews an intimate account of the life of Werner Pelz
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