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Essays & reportage
Lidia Thorpe, the UN Declaration and the mob out there
Tim Rowse
20 March 2025
Despite her weakness for hyperbole, the high-profile senator has proposed a simple way of bringing greater Indigenous scrutiny to parliament
National affairs
Who belongs in the Senate?
William Maley
6 December 2024
Pauline Hanson is wrong and Fatima Payman right about the question of eligibility
Essays & reportage
Parliament makes history
Frank Bongiorno & Joshua Black
6 August 2024
Following a heated double-dissolution election, both houses met jointly for the first time ever on 6–7 August 1974
National affairs
Yes and No: the official (but curiously incomplete) cases
Tim Rowse
19 July 2023
Neither of the Voice to Parliament pamphlets rises to the occasion
National affairs
What’s in it for everyone?
Peter Brent
23 January 2023
Plenty, in fact, so the government needs to avoid getting derailed by the Voice’s critics (and some of its friends)
National affairs
Peter Dutton’s questions
Tim Rowse
23 January 2023
Have critics overlooked what the opposition leader
National affairs
Price and Pearson, uneasy allies?
Tim Rowse
23 December 2022
Jacinta Nampijinpa Price and Noel Pearson’s clash over the Voice masks a more complicated picture
National affairs
Calm and collegial?
Judith Ireland
25 November 2022
Labor promised a more respectful, diverse and family-friendly parliament. Has it delivered?
National affairs
Will Labor need to share power in Victoria?
Tim Colebatch
24 November 2022
Polls have inevitably tightened in Victoria, and the shape of the upper house continues to be anyone’s bet
National affairs
What I learned at Senate estimates
Barbara Pocock
18 November 2022
A first-time senator is fascinated and alarmed
National affairs
The Voice: not enough “meat on the bone”?
Tim Rowse
27 September 2022
Are fears of a repeat of the 1999 republic referendum influencing the campaign for an Indigenous Voice?
National affairs
Diversity deferred, again?
Margaret Simons
16 December 2021
Another inquiry has made recommendations to improve media diversity. All that’s lacking is action
National affairs
Presidential politics
John Hawkins
18 October 2021
Australia got a new president this week. But it’s not a name you might recognise
Essays & reportage
Syd Negus, the forgotten tax-slayer
Peter Browne
14 October 2021
Why is Australia among the few Western countries that don’t tax inheritances?
National affairs
Asking the wrong questions about housing
Peter Mares
24 September 2021
It might be ill-conceived, but at least the latest inquiry into housing affordability is generating high-quality evidence
National affairs
Crossbench dreaming
Peter Brent
10 September 2021
Crossbenchers could play a bigger role after the election, but only one of them is likely to be a Greens MP
From the archive
The accidental senator
Hamish McDonald
20 August 2021
An independent from South Australia is exerting outsized influence in Canberra
Books & arts
What’s not to like?
Jane Goodall
9 July 2021
With just one blind spot, Annabel Crabb is at her best in the ABC’s
Ms Represented
National affairs
Come in spinner
Judith Ireland
28 May 2021
Announcing five inquiries in response to Brittany Higgins’s allegations was the easy bit. Now the government is trying to manage their impact
National affairs
Sunday I’ve got Wednesday on my mind
Frank Bongiorno
4 March 2021
Scandals on Capital Hill point to problems in schools, universities and parliament itself
National affairs
Dealing with toxic parliaments
Marian Sawer
1 March 2021
Can Australia learn from how legislatures in other countries are tackling the problem?
National affairs
Late nights, high stress and plenty of booze
Judith Ireland
19 February 2021
Is parliament at last recognising the deep problems in its own work culture?
National affairs
The Sámi’s voice
Harry Hobbs
8 February 2021
Does Sweden’s Sámediggi offer lessons for Australia’s Indigenous Voice to Parliament?
Essays & reportage
Is the Voice already being muted?
Tim Rowse
1 February 2021
As we enter stage two of the co-design process, the government seems already to be shaping the result
National affairs
Senator Abetz’s loyalty test
Yun Jiang
20 October 2020
Chinese Australians are being singled out by overwrought politicians
Italy’s disembodied populists
James Panichi
23 September 2020
Monday’s referendum and election results highlight the vulnerability of the Five Star Movement
Summer season
The life and (possible) death of Dorothy Dix
Brett Evans
24 August 2020
Even MPs are getting worried about the quality of question time
National affairs
Shift in numbers, shift in culture
Kim Rubenstein
1 July 2020
Could the Dyson Heydon investigation have happened without women at senior levels in the High Court?
National affairs
Keeping watch on Covid-19 laws
Sarah Moulds
14 May 2020
Are parliamentary committees up to the job?
Books & arts
Dickensian democrat
Norman Abjorensen
15 April 2020
| London-born Graham Berry took on the forces of reaction in colonial Victoria
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