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National affairs
Skerricks of evidence
Hamish McDonald
12 March 2025
Final submissions have brought a surprising twist to the judicial inquiry into the Croatian Six bombing convictions
Essays & reportage
Is this our biggest miscarriage of justice?
Hamish McDonald
22 November 2024
A judicial inquiry has been told of withheld evidence that would have fundamentally challenged the case against the Croatian Six
It’s not just police who police
Nic Maclellan
20 September 2024
An Australian plan to improve policing in the Pacific deals with just one element of the islands’ crime and conflict problem
Essays & reportage
Was Neville Wran corrupt?
Rodney Tiffen
31 August 2021
The former NSW premier’s time in office was dogged by allegations, but do they stand up?
Books & arts
Killing the cop in your head
Declan Fry
25 May 2021
Forty ways of looking at Veronica Gorrie’s
Black and Blue
National affairs
Victoria, a fine state
Saul Eslake
30 September 2020
Why are fines so popular in a state that sees itself as progressive?
National affairs
A friend on the outside
Robert Milliken
12 June 2020
Two major inquiries have recommended a simple measure to reduce Aboriginal deaths in custody. So why have most states taken so long to act?
Long march
Nicole Hemmer
1 June 2020
As a century’s experience shows, police violence won’t stop civil rights protesters from seeking justice
Essays & reportage
Collateral damage
Mark Finnane
2 May 2020
Like the epidemic itself, the policing of Spanish flu controls fell unevenly on the population
National affairs
Gap year
Lesley Russell
13 February 2020
The latest Closing the Gap report brings cause both for scepticism and for guarded optimism
National affairs
Will we finally look clearly at facial recognition technology?
Ellen Broad
24 January 2020
Revelations about Clearview AI’s harvesting of online images challenge us all to think carefully about this technology’s impacts
National affairs
Face to face with the future
Jack Maxwell
18 October 2019
Questions need to be asked about the federal government’s embrace of facial recognition technology
National affairs
Three years later, the Territory’s post–Don Dale reforms are faltering
Russell Marks
11 September 2019
After a burst of youth justice initiatives, Michael Gunner’s Labor government has lost momentum
National affairs
Custody battle
Russell Marks
14 June 2019
Nearly thirty years after the Aboriginal deaths in custody royal commission, the Northern Territory finally has a custody notification service. But is there devil in its detail?
National affairs
Don’t mention the law
Jeremy Gans
10 December 2018
If judges don’t have a clear idea of how police should behave, where does that leave everyone else?
National affairs
Reasonable doubts
Jack Waterford
30 November 2018
The AFP made a mess of investigating the murder of Colin Winchester and other crimes, so why is it the only Australian police force to have avoided an external inquiry?
National affairs
How I would spend $100 million to reduce crime
Rick Sarre
8 August 2018
Australian and international research can help us distinguish between successful and unsuccessful initiatives
Chinese policing on show
Graeme Smith
5 October 2017
Large-scale arrests by Chinese police in Fiji throw light on China’s justice system
The cruellest month
Frank Bongiorno
18 May 2009
Everyone seems to have some sort of camera these days, as the British Police are discovering to their cost, writes
Frank Bongiorno
National affairs
The thin grey line
Nicola Mcgarrity
25 March 2009
New legislation in New South Wales highlights the eroding distinction between how police deal with terrorism and how they deal with other crimes, writes
Nicola McGarrity