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National affairs
Early-election watching
Peter Brent
1 February 2021
Covid-19 has been good to governments, but will the effect last?
National affairs
The polls, and nothing but the polls
Peter Brent
16 December 2020
Why we’re still trying to understand the “Morrison miracle” (and other great polling failures)
National affairs
Polling’s perception problem
Peter Brent
6 November 2020
Are the polls
less accurate these days?
National affairs
How low can you go?
Peter Brent
21 September 2020
Structural shifts mean that Labor’s primary vote is only part of the election-winning equation
National affairs
Together, let’s stick together
Peter Brent
1 September 2020
Crises aren’t always bad for governments — federal, state or territory — facing elections
National affairs
Hard times on the opposition benches
Peter Brent
7 August 2020
The truce among governing parties makes life difficult for Anthony Albanese and his state counterparts
Maybe, probably, definitely?
Peter Brent
22 July 2020
What does history tell us about how the numbers will unfold between now and election day?
Trump’s plot against America
Lesley Russell
9 July 2020
Now we know the president’s campaign target: the enemies within
National affairs
Happy anniversary?
Peter Brent
18 May 2020
A year after its re-election, the Coalition is riding high. But how long will that last?
National affairs
The man, the times, the party
Peter Brent
27 April 2020
Scott Morrison meets the ghost of Richard Nixon
National affairs
Rising to the occasion
Peter Brent
8 April 2020
What’s an opposition leader to do in a crisis like this?
National affairs
People power
Peter Brent
4 December 2019
The tide of populism doesn’t always run the same way
National affairs
The underdog that didn’t bark
Peter Brent
11 November 2019
Was Labor trying for the elusive bandwagon effect in May?
Essays & reportage
Did late deciders confound the polls?
Murray Goot
19 September 2019
Predictions of the 2019 election result were way off the mark. But we still don’t know why
National affairs
How the polls mapped a road to victory
Rodney Tiffen
11 September 2019
Did misleading numbers influence how the federal campaign was fought?
National affairs
Notes on an election
Peter Brent
7 June 2019
Dust settled, our correspondent pokes through the rubble
National affairs
Queensland, and other polling problems
Peter Brent
29 May 2019
What went wrong for Australia’s best-known pollsters?
National affairs
The great divide
Tim Colebatch
19 May 2019
Election 2019
| What exactly happened around Australia yesterday?
National affairs
A lesson twice learnt
Peter Brent
19 May 2019
Election 2019
| A fearful voter can be an unpredictable thing
National affairs
Can you feel it?
Peter Brent
18 May 2019
Election 2019
| Will the skittish commentariat be vindicated tonight?
Essays & reportage
Who controls opinion polling in Australia, what else we need to know about the polls, and why it matters
Murray Goot
15 May 2019
The decision by former Fairfax papers to sack one of their market researchers raised thorny questions about pollsters and their polls
National affairs
Careful what they wish for
Peter Brent
15 May 2019
Election 2019
| Is a change-oriented campaign helping Labor over the line — and would the polls know either way?
National affairs
A close election draws closer
Paul Rodan
14 May 2019
Election 2019
| If the polling consensus is right, each winnable seat will count for Labor
National affairs
Getting the numbers
Rodney Tiffen
13 May 2019
Inside Story
’s guide to seventy years of parties, polling and politics
National affairs
It’s not what you ask, it’s how you ask it
Peter Brent
27 April 2019
Election 2019
| An odd decision by Newspoll has shifted the dynamics of the campaign — but by how much?
National affairs
One path to victory
Peter Brent
15 April 2019
On the evidence so far, the election will be closer than expected
Old strategy with a new twist
Dave McCrae and Dirk Tomsa
15 April 2019
Why is the likely loser of the Indonesian election already crying foul?
National affairs
Over the top with Scott
Tim Colebatch
11 April 2019
If a fair go means anything, the Coalition is heading for a bracing judgement from voters
National affairs
More polls, but still no election
Peter Brent
8 April 2019
Do today’s figures tell us anything at all about how the parties are faring?
National affairs
Votes by the boatload?
Peter Brent
18 February 2019
Don’t bet on it: experience suggests that asylum seekers won’t be the deciding factor in May
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