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Essays & reportage
“A striking illustration of how noble compassion can circle the globe”
Klaus Neumann
12 June 2015
The low-key public debate over the arrival of European refugees in the late 1930s contrasts dramatically with the outcry when Jewish Holocaust survivors arrived nearly a decade…
Myanmar and the Rohingya: the case for quiet diplomacy
Thomas Kean
8 June 2015
Without letting the government off the hook, we need to recognise the pressures that influence Myanmar’s policies in Rakhine State, writes
Thomas Kean
in Yangon
National affairs
Equal protection of the law?
Savitri Taylor
14 May 2015
Has Australia cut itself adrift from international law?
Savitri Taylor
looks at the implications of recent refugee-related legislation
Boat people and gunships in the Mediterranean
Klaus Neumann
12 May 2015
The challenge is to convince European governments and civil society that there is no easy solution to irregular migration, writes
Klaus Neumann
. In the meantime,…
Out of sight, out of mind
Antje Missbach & Anne Mcnevin
14 April 2015
Stopping the boats masks a bleak waiting game for refugees and asylum seekers stranded in Indonesia, write
Antje Missbach
Anne McNevin
National affairs
That’s their story, and they’re sticking to it
Jane Goodall
15 February 2015
Much more than an attempted leadership spill went on at Parliament House during the week, writes
Jane Goodall
. But the script stayed the same
National affairs
Scott Morrison’s unfinished business
Peter Mares
4 February 2015
As immigration minister, Scott Morrison set in train three major legislative amendments that increase ministerial discretion and reduce transparency and accountability, writes…
Who is afraid of Pegida?
Klaus Neumann
30 January 2015
Anti-immigration demonstrations in the old East Germany have been dwarfed by crowds across Germany supporting the country’s new openness, writes
Klaus Neumann
Essays & reportage
“Queue jumping”: the view from afar
David Corlett
27 January 2015
The fairness of Australia’s refugee policies looks different at the Al Zaatari camp, writes
David Corlett
National affairs
“Our boats, our people, our knowledge”
Antje Missbach & Anne Mcnevin
5 November 2014
Australia is sending dubious messages to Indonesian fishing communities, write
Antje Missbach
Anne McNevin
National affairs
Beyond deterrence: reframing the asylum seeker debate
Anne McNevin, Damir Mitric, Klaus Neumann & Savitri Taylor & Peter Mares
13 October 2014
It’s time to fundamentally rethink Australia’s approach to asylum seekers, free of narrow assumptions about what’s politically feasible, write
Essays & reportage
“Queue jumpers” and the perils of crossing Sydney Harbour on a Manly ferry
Klaus Neumann
1 October 2014
The treatment of boat arrivals during the 1977 federal election campaign shows that political orthodoxy doesn’t always prevail, writes
Klaus Neumann
National affairs
Beyond Operation Sovereign Borders
Bob Douglas and Claire Higgins
1 August 2014
A roundtable of experienced policy-makers and stakeholders looked at better ways of managing the asylum seeker caseload, write
Bob Douglas
Claire Higgins
Essays & reportage
Unlawful deliveries
Peter Mares
26 June 2014
Babies born in detention are taking the federal government to court. Meanwhile, being locked up is making their parents dangerously ill, writes
Peter Mares
Books & arts
New Zealand as a refuge: half-myths and partial realities
David Pearson
8 May 2014
David Pearson
reviews a careful but challenging account of New Zealand’s treatment of refugees and asylum seekers
National affairs
The asylum-seeker plan that keeps disappearing over the horizon
Peter Browne
9 April 2014
The collateral damage is too great for policy-by-slogan to be sustainable, writes
Peter Browne
. The alternative can bring benefits for asylum seekers and for Australia
Books & arts
Refugees making history
Klaus Neumann
9 December 2013
Klaus Neumann
reviews two books that put displaced people at the heart of contemporary history
National affairs
The visa and the damage done
Peter Mares
22 November 2013
Will history repeat itself when the Coalition’s temporary protection visa regulations reach the Senate?
Peter Mares
looks at the impact of Labor’s decision in 1999
We are here to stay
Klaus Neumann
5 November 2013
Africans living under the shadow of removal in Hamburg have been able to articulate their own agenda, writes
Klaus Neumann
, and football fans and residents are backing them
National affairs
Mollifying Malaysia
Clive Kessler
11 October 2013
Despite Tony Abbott’s apology, the memory of the Coalition’s attack on the Malaysian Solution will linger in Kuala Lumpur, writes
Clive Kessler
National affairs
“I’ve lost all hope that I can have a life here”
Emily Howie
30 September 2013
Four years after the civil war ended, many Tamils have no expectation of peace or safety in Sri Lanka’s Northern Province, reports
Emily Howie
. This is what drives…
Two countries, two elections
Klaus Neumann
16 September 2013
Like Australia, Germany has seen a shift in the political middle ground. But there, it’s ended up in an intriguing place, writes
Klaus Neumann
National affairs
Immigration’s unanswered questions
Peter Mares
3 September 2013
The immigration department is months behind in answering questions from Senate estimate committees – questions that would provide vital information about the…
National affairs
The deaths on 21 June 2012: WA’s coroner reports
Tony Kevin
1 August 2013
Over one hundred people died in the waters between Indonesia and Christmas Island on 21 June 2012 after repeated calls for help. This week’s coroner’s report calls…
National affairs
Why we would gain from a regional approach to refugee protection
Anne McNevin
31 July 2013
What would a sustainable regional approach look like?
Anne McNevin
outlines the main features – and benefits – of an alternative to the Labor–Coalition…
National affairs
How to break the people smugglers’ real business model
Anne McNevin
25 July 2013
Both the government and the opposition are focusing on the wrong problem, writes
Anne McNevin
National affairs
Attentiveness and indifference
Klaus Neumann
22 July 2013
Two cases from Europe show that there are other ways of understanding irregular migrants, writes
Klaus Neumann
Could I describe you as a Catholic feminist?
Terry Lane
9 July 2013
From the Radio National archive,
Terry Lane
talks to Labor senator
Jacinta Collins
National affairs
Bob Carr and the ghost of Philip Ruddock
Peter Mares
2 July 2013
The foreign minister’s tough talking on asylum seekers doesn’t fit with the facts, writes
Peter Mares
National affairs
No country is an island
Arja Keski-Nummi
27 June 2013
Arja Keski-Nummi
looks at how Australia can take the lead in developing regional solutions to the regional challenge of informal migration
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