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Navalny’s long game
Graeme Gill
2 February 2021
January’s protests might be less damaging to Putin than a slow leaching away of legitimacy
Biden and the bomb
Andy Butfoy
1 February 2021
A modified version of the old normal might be the best the new president can deliver
Essays & reportage
The strange case of Putin’s self-declared fifth column in Australia
Kyle Wilson
12 August 2020
A small but energetic group of “Australian Cossacks” has support in high places in Moscow
Vladimir Putin: ruler for life?
Graeme Gill
16 March 2020
Could there be a less sinister reason why the Russian president wants the way open for a longer tenure?
Books & arts
Was the future better yesterday?
Peter Browne
16 February 2020
What explains the apparent success of populist politics?
Books & arts
Eventually the truth catches up
Jane Goodall
25 June 2019
| Four decades on, Soviet scientist Valery Legasov is an unlikely figure for our times
Missile envy
Andy Butfoy
6 February 2019
Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin seem set on undoing the historic achievement of their 1980s predecessors
Has the West called Putin’s bluff?
John Besemeres
4 April 2018
The Russian president faces uncharacteristically united international opposition at the beginning of a potentially unstable final term in office
Russia’s war on history
David Hayes
30 March 2018
How a poison attack in an English cathedral city became an international diplomatic crisis
Putin and Trump: anatomy of a bromance
John Besemeres
11 February 2018
A compromising relationship continues to define the US presidency
Essays & reportage
Reading about a revolution
Norman Abjorensen
10 October 2017
A gathering flow of news about the revolutionary movement in Russia reached Australian readers during 1917
After Khan Sheikhun
Ross Burns
10 April 2017
Signs that Bashar al-Assad is panicking could create an opportunity to re-engage the Syrian peace talks
Books & arts
The other Lenin
Graeme Gill
21 March 2017
| Coinciding with the centenary of the Russian revolution, a compelling biography of the communist revolutionary plays down politics in favour of the personal
Ukraine, out of sight
John Besemeres
21 December 2015
Hit by low energy prices and Western sanctions, Vladimir Putin has been exerting less obvious pressure in Ukraine, writes
John Besemeres
Making nice and making enemies
John Besemeres
10 December 2015
Vladimir Putin’s actions in the Middle East reflect his view that all relationships are zero-sum games, writes
John Besemeres
Books & arts
Bling and propaganda in an ethics-free zone
John Besemeres
15 June 2015
| The excesses of Vladimir Putin’s first eight years as president are vividly brought to life by journalist Peter Pomerantsev, writes
John Besemeres
Books & arts
Full circle
Sylvia Lawson
2 April 2015
Sylvia Lawson
Peace in our time
John Besemeres
23 March 2015
Superficially, the Minsk Two agreement promises much. But, asks
John Besemeres
, can its European signatories counter Vladimir Putin’s long-run campaign to…
Putin’s westpolitik: back to the USSR
John Besemeres
17 December 2014
The Russian president wants to restore the old empire.
John Besemeres
looks at the former Soviet republics he is pressuring to see the world his way
Putin’s fiasco
Robert Horvath
11 December 2014
Supporters of the Russian president have been busy rewriting what happened at the G20 meeting in Brisbane, writes
Robert Horvath
. Meanwhile, Vladimir Putin’s…
Putin’s parallel universe
John Besemeres
20 November 2014
The Russian president’s broad support at home reflects a radically different perception of events since the fall of the Berlin Wall, writes
John Besemeres
Books & arts
Secrets within secrets
Jack Waterford
31 October 2014
David Horner’s history of ASIO is a reminder of how “the Case” influenced ASIO for generations, writes
Jack Waterford
In Brussels, a factional stitch-up doesn’t always mean bad news
James Panichi
29 September 2014
The threat from Russia coincides with another stage in the European Union’s evolution, reports
James Panichi
Russian disinformation and Western misconceptions
John Besemeres
23 September 2014
Although the Russian invasion of Ukraine is continuing, writes
John Besemeres
, many Western observers are surprisingly coy about naming it for what it is. Meanwhile,…
Uneasy neighbourhood
Kerry Brown
1 September 2014
Caught between China and Russia, Mongolia is trying to exploit economic opportunities without losing sovereignty, reports
Kerry Brown
Ukraine: time to cut a deal?
John Besemeres
30 May 2014
Western coverage of Ukraine has suffered from deep misconceptions, writes
John Besemeres
. Meanwhile, Moscow might be looking for a compromise
Putin on the edge of an abyss
Robert Horvath
20 March 2014
Vladimir Putin’s brinkmanship over Eastern Ukraine could have dangerously unpredictable results
Putin’s annus mirabilis: changing the shape of Eurasia
John Besemeres
24 January 2014
Behind the protests in Ukraine lies the Russian president’s long-term vision of a Eurasian Economic Union.
John Besemeres
traces its recent history and the strains…
Essays & reportage
My cold war: from Brunswick to Berlin (via the Labor split)
Geoffrey Barker
27 September 2013
Within months of the end of the second world war, an iron curtain had fallen across Europe. Its impact reached into the inner suburbs of Melbourne, writes
Geoffrey Barker
Will Putin survive until 2018?
John Besemeres
27 March 2013
Faced with turbulence among the elite as well as the general public, the Russian president is adjusting his polices and stepping up appeals to Russian sentiment, writes
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