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National affairs
Australia’s costly no-price carbon policy
Peter Brent
11 February 2021
Australia’s climate policy failures are set to create a new revenue stream for major trading partners
Books & arts
When great friends are no help
John Edwards
10 February 2021
| Australia’s decision to join the United States in competition with China has backfired damagingly
Books & arts
Tasman bubble
Jock Given
30 November 2020
| The links have been quietly developing for decades, but there’s still much more Australia can learn from its nearest eastern neighbour
National affairs
Time to end Australia’s American dependency
Adam Triggs
9 November 2020
President Biden will buy Australia time, but the structural forces that produced the Trump presidency won’t go away
National affairs
Cut trade with China? It’s not that easy
Adam Triggs
27 October 2020
Treat with care the claims that Australia can readily diversify its trade and investment
Essays & reportage
Australia–China relations and the Trump factor
John Fitzgerald
14 October 2020
Australia was pursuing an independent approach well before the US president upended the strategic order
National affairs
A V-shaped recovery? Don’t bank on it
Adam Triggs
12 October 2020
The assumption that Australia will experience a quick recovery has produced a budget that’s big on spending but low on stimulus
National affairs
Economic coercion: how worried should Australia be?
Adam Triggs
21 September 2020
China’s trade restrictions highlight a serious but often exaggerated threat. And there’s plenty the government can do about it
National affairs
Prisoner’s dilemma
Peter Brent
18 September 2020
Joe Biden’s climate policy would have big repercussions in Australia
National affairs
Workers versus consumers: a false tradeoff
Adam Triggs
17 August 2020
Are trade, competition and technology good for consumers but bad for workers? History shows otherwise
National affairs
The trouble with “buying Australian”
Adam Triggs
10 August 2020
The campaign risks reducing our living standards and hurting poorer Australians the most
Essays & reportage
His country, weak or strong
Hamish McDonald
3 August 2020
It’s the question confounding observers: is China lashing out from a sense of weakness or strength?
National affairs
Reducing stimulus at the worst possible time
Adam Triggs
3 August 2020
The federal government, the Reserve Bank, commercial banks and the exchange rate are in a race to the bottom. This need not be the case
National affairs
Don’t expect President Biden to fix Australia’s international problems
Adam Triggs
13 July 2020
A Biden administration won’t help with China and trade, and might even make things worse
National affairs
Raising the price of war
Adam Triggs
6 July 2020
The government should focus less on war preparation and more on war prevention
Summer season
The dictatorship of coffee
Brett Evans
23 June 2020
| We’re not the only ones in the grip of this addictive beverage
National affairs
Has the government given up on markets?
Adam Triggs
22 June 2020
Changes to university fees are just the latest example of successive governments preferring to pick winners than trust markets
National affairs
Scott Morrison’s G7 tightrope
Adam Triggs
15 June 2020
Australia’s participation in Donald Trump’s G7 summit risks alienating Asia, the region that’s crucial for our economic recovery
National affairs
Less foreign investment makes Australia less secure
Adam Triggs
9 June 2020
There are security risks in having foreign investment, but bigger risks in not having it
Beijing buffeted
Rowan Callick
27 May 2020
A key speech reveals worries on many fronts for China’s leaders
National affairs
Journalists on the ramparts
Hamish McDonald
20 May 2020
Has the press gallery forgotten we’re not at war with China?
National affairs
The high price of sovereignty
Adam Triggs
4 May 2020
Those calling for an economically independent Australia neglect to mention the huge costs it would impose on living standards
National affairs
Are the IMF’s forecasts too pessimistic?
John Quiggin
20 April 2020
With the right policies, the IMF’s recovery can happen with less pain than forecast
National affairs
Are the IMF’s forecasts too optimistic?
Danielle Wood and Brendan Coates
20 April 2020
We should beware of magical thinking about the Covid-19 recovery
National affairs
Rebuilding the economy after Covid-19
Adam Triggs
7 April 2020
What we should and shouldn’t change once the crisis is over
Elephants in the room
Rowan Callick
30 March 2020
Xi Jinping and Donald Trump have turned the coronavirus into a test of their governing styles
National affairs
From Europe, a carbon game changer?
Peter Brent
6 February 2020
Australia continues to flounder, but help could be on the way from the new president of the European Commission
National affairs
Why we can’t afford passive government
Adam Triggs
5 February 2020
Australia entered the year in bad shape, and things will only get worse without a change in direction
Essays & reportage
Here comes the sun
Tristan Edis
7 January 2020
Are three multimillionaires about to break Australia’s political deadlock on climate?
National affairs
Falling behind, but not going backwards
Tim Colebatch
5 December 2019
Business and household demand shrank by 0.3 per cent in the year to September, leaving government and exports to fuel Australia’s modest per capita growth
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