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Essays & reportage
With royalty at Riven Rock
Desley Deacon
18 August 2020
Harry and Meghan’s new home comes with a history of American aristocrats, primate research and the quest for the contraceptive pill
National affairs
Shift in numbers, shift in culture
Kim Rubenstein
1 July 2020
Could the Dyson Heydon investigation have happened without women at senior levels in the High Court?
Books & arts
Nothing inspires like success
Julie Rigg
18 June 2020
| A new documentary highlights a milestone in the fight for women’s rights
Books & arts
Adventures in feminism
Zora Simic
20 May 2020
| We know a lot about Germaine Greer, but not so much about another trailblazer, Merle Thornton
Books & arts
The conditions of art
Susan Lever
22 April 2020
| Award-winning biographer Brenda Niall throws fresh light on four intriguing women writers
Books & arts
Awkward squad
Zora Simic
1 April 2020
“Difficult” women have often played key roles in feminist history
Books & arts
Like lying on the analyst’s couch
Sara Dowse
2 March 2020
| Literary critic Vivian Gornick’s latest book is as much about life as it is about reading
Books & arts
On perfectionism
Zora Simic
6 November 2019
| “In harming myself, I was harming others,” writes Bri Lee in her follow-up to
Eggshell Skull
Books & arts
Triple trouble
Sara Dowse
4 October 2019
| Does gender and race fully explain the discrimination faced by women of colour?
Essays & reportage
What Ada Lovelace can teach us about digital technology
Lizzie O’Shea
9 September 2019
| How collaborative work can be liberating and effective
Essays & reportage
From little things
Kristina Olsson
9 August 2019
| How “micro-justice” is bringing real benefits to at-risk women and girls
Books & arts
A play that came in from the cold
Michelle Arrow
6 August 2019
| A new staging of Oriel Gray’s
The Torrents
allows its ideas to shine
Books & arts
Rewriting the script
Sara Dowse
25 July 2019
| Meticulously fairminded, Jess Hill uncovers a surprisingly consistent pattern to domestic abuse
Essays & reportage
A Margaret Fulton recipe always works
Sian Supski
25 July 2019
Published two years before
The Female Eunuch
, Margaret Fulton’s first cookbook had its own impact
Trump (and Pence) versus women’s health
Lesley Russell
4 June 2019
The administration continues to roll out hostile policies
Essays & reportage
Computer says no
Ellen Broad
29 April 2019
The hazards of being a woman in technology
Books & arts
Where are you at?
Drusilla Modjeska
19 April 2019
| Julienne van Loon asks all the right questions in this exploration of life in a precarious world
Books & arts
The decade of thinking dangerously
Susan Lever
8 March 2019
The 1970s saw the rise of women as a political constituency in Australia
Recovered Lives
Why don’t we know their names?
Melanie Nolan
8 March 2019
Introducing our collection of articles on Australian history’s missing women, in collaboration with the
Australian Dictionary of Biography
Recovered Lives
Forthright and hardworking, this corsetmaker founded a retail empire
Barbara Dawson
8 March 2019
Ann Hordern (c. 1791–1871), founder of Anthony Hordern & Sons
Recovered Lives
The “incorrigible” convict with a sharp tongue
Nichola Garvey
8 March 2019
Catherine Henrys (c. 1806–55)
Recovered Lives
“High time” for the Huddersfield Four
Nichola Garvey
8 March 2019
Lydia Clay (1811–58), Elizabeth Quarmby (1822–93), Mary Ann Wentworth (1824–1911) and Ruth Richardson (1817–58), transportees
Recovered Lives
Farmer, businesswoman — and founder of Penfolds
Julie McIntyre
8 March 2019
Mary Penfold (1816–95)
Recovered Lives
Pioneering medic blazed the trail
Karen Fox
8 March 2019
Iza Coghlan (1868–1946), doctor
Recovered Lives
This widely travelled public servant knew the costs of migration
Peter Davies
8 March 2019
Lucy Hicks (1833–1909), administrator
Recovered Lives
How “the Captain’s Lady” created her own legend
Meg Foster
8 March 2019
Mary Ann Bugg (1834–1905), Indigenous bushranger
Recovered Lives
A brief life seen through “wild bright eyes”
Alison Alexander
8 March 2019
Mathinna (c. 1835—?), Port Sorell woman
Recovered Lives
A comet across the feminist landscape
Deborah Jordan
8 March 2019
Frances Georgina Watts Higgins (1860–1948), landscape architect and feminist
Recovered Lives
Pitch and prejudice
Madeleine Lindsell
8 March 2019
Helen Australia (Nellie) Gregory (1863–1950) and Louisa Caroline Gregory (1865–1903), cricketers
Recovered Lives
The dressmaker who became Bondi’s elusive beachcomber
Melanie Nolan
8 March 2019
Ellen Peterson/Helen Packer/Madame Pacquer/“Bondi Mary” (1870–1941)
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