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Books & arts
Books & arts
Europe heads east, Asia heads west
Louise Merrington
16 May 2018
| A former Portugese politician provides a unique perspective on the landmass that stretches from France to China
Books & arts
Out of the shadows
Andrew Ford
8 May 2018
| Peggy Seeger is a remarkable talent in her own right
Books & arts
Sons and others
Julie Rigg
5 May 2018
Julie Rigg
Books & arts
Life on Earth
Jane Goodall
1 May 2018
| Two bold genre-busting crime series meet with mixed success
Books & arts
Citizen Jones
Brian McFarlane
1 May 2018
| As much a performance as a documentary, this new film captures a remarkable mind
Books & arts
Sleeping on it
Sally Ferguson
27 April 2018
| You are how you sleep, according to a persuasive new account of the science of not being awake
Books & arts
Inside Cambridge Analytica
Jane Goodall
19 April 2018
| Behind the algorithms, is this just an old-fashioned propaganda outfit with a thick veneer of spin?
Books & arts
Parallel lives
Brett Evans
11 April 2018
| The former academic and the pugnacious ex-soldier both tell compelling stories about life before politics
Books & arts
Hold your fire
Julie Shiels
9 April 2018
Visual Arts
| The temptation is to look away. But what are we really trying to avoid?
Books & arts
Judge of the people
Jeremy Gans
9 April 2018
The memoirs of one of Australia’s best-known judges raise important questions about sentencing, politics and the media
Books & arts
Hell or high waters
Glenn Nicholls
7 April 2018
| A remarkable novel by a one-time internee in Australia has attracted critical acclaim in Germany
Books & arts
What counts, and what gets counted
Carmela Chivers
4 April 2018
| The quest to quantify the performance of our most important institutions can backfire, but what other choice do we have?
Books & arts
Crossing the border
Jane Goodall
30 March 2018
| The crimes might stretch plausibility, but something keeps us watching this prime example of Nordic Noir
Books & arts
Scenes from an old country
Brian McFarlane
28 March 2018
| The British Film Festival has been an unexpected hit with Australian audiences
Books & arts
How Melbourne became cool again
Alan Davies
27 March 2018
| How did the Victorian capital regain the “intensive urbanity” that made it Australia’s leading city in the 1890s?
Books & arts
The shock of the old
Joe Rollo
27 March 2018
| Australia’s experimental domestic architecture of the 1950s and 60s still challenges mainstream design
Books & arts
What are we talking about when we talk about China?
John Fitzgerald
15 March 2018
| Is China a different kind of democracy, or simply a self-preserving one-party state?
Books & arts
The not-so-tragic commons
Jane Goodall
12 March 2018
| Following in the footsteps of Nobel prize-winner Elinor Ostrom, two new books make the argument for public property and the public good
Books & arts
War’s long shadow
Tom Hyland
8 March 2018
| A new account of postwar Australia challenges the myth that veterans were always treated with respect and sympathy
Books & arts
Up to a point, Professor Hamilton
Frank Bongiorno
8 March 2018
| Has Clive Hamilton written what one critic called a “McCarthyist manifesto”?
Books & arts
Pygmalion subverted
Julie Rigg
7 March 2018
| Of this year’s Oscar contenders,
Phantom Thread
seems most likely to endure
Books & arts
The talent of Lili Boulanger
Andrew Ford
7 March 2018
Despite her early death, the French composer left a remarkable legacy
Books & arts
The randomised route to better government
Mike Steketee
28 February 2018
The story of how a cure for scurvy was found, then lost, then found again offers a vital lesson for policy-makers
Books & arts
The politician as hero
Jane Goodall
19 February 2018
Our TV critic reviews the ABC’s two-part documentary
Hawke: The Larrikin and the Leader
, first screened in February 2018
Books & arts
Asia’s rise: the rules and the rulers
Graeme Dobell
15 February 2018
Review essay
| As the regional balance continues to shift, resolving the tension between history and geography is becoming more urgent for Australia
Books & arts
More Melbourne Recital Centre than Bird’s Basement
Andrew Ford
13 February 2018
| Pianist Andrea Keller’s new work might or might not be jazz, but it’s certainly poetic
Books & arts
A losing game? Social democracy’s trial by ordeal
Frank Bongiorno
11 February 2018
| Centre-left parties are struggling everywhere. Can they adapt?
Books & arts
A sort of farewell
Richard White
2 February 2018
| This new edition of John Rickard’s pathbreaking book is a reminder that he anticipated many of the concerns of subsequent generations of historians
Books & arts
Was Derek Freeman “mad”?
Martha Macintyre
28 January 2018
The controversial critic of anthropologist Margaret Mead was a man driven to extremes
Books & arts
How the Show went on
Paul Rodan
28 January 2018
| A former communist and a former Catholic activist combine forces to cast new light on the organisation that helped fuel the Labor split
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