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National affairs
Duchesses and overlords
Graeme Smith
18 January 2018
Concetta Fierravanti-Wells and Maurice Newman share a deep suspicion of China’s intentions in the Pacific. But the reality doesn’t match their claims
National affairs
Sam Dastyari and the thousands of years of Chinese history
Antonia Finnane
4 December 2017
The historical record doesn’t support the claims repeated by the senator from New South Wales
The calm before the storm?
Kerry Brown
28 October 2017
What did an orderly party congress reveal about China’s priorities for the next half-decade?
China in the Pacific: a question of influence
Graeme Smith
16 October 2017
Exaggerated fears about China’s intentions reflect a misunderstanding of what’s happening in the region
Chinese policing on show
Graeme Smith
5 October 2017
Large-scale arrests by Chinese police in Fiji throw light on China’s justice system
Few bright spots for press freedom in Southeast Asia
Luke Hunt
4 October 2017
Is China’s harsh brand of media control serving as a role model for its neighbours?
Essays & reportage
Red pen on academic freedom?
John Fitzgerald
21 September 2017
Australian universities need to guard against the possibility that collaborations with their Chinese peers could undermine free enquiry
Managing the Hermit Kingdom
Jingdong Yuan
7 September 2017
Beijing’s response to North Korea is constrained by its own security concerns
Herding (paper) cats
Antonia Finnane
5 September 2017
China’s conundrum in the Asia-Pacific creates an opportunity for Australia
The man to watch in China’s transitional year
Kerry Brown
25 August 2017
In the run-up to the 19th Party Congress, all eyes are on Wang Qishan, the public face of China’s anti-corruption drive
Essays & reportage
Human dignity and its enemies
John Fitzgerald
16 August 2017
Liu Xiaobo’s message from prison to the West
National affairs
Remember the nuclear renaissance? Well, it’s over
John Quiggin
4 August 2017
After a three-decade gap, George W. Bush initiated a new phase of nuclear reactor construction in 2002. Then economic reality got in the way
Territory trouble
Louise Merrington
12 July 2017
Despite more than a century of negotiations, the China–India border dispute has flared again, this time under two strongly nationalist leaders
Korean wave runs aground on China’s rocky shore
Duncan Hewitt
18 May 2017
The THAAD missile controversy has provoked anger in Beijing and consternation in Korea, and has even dented China’s love affair with Korean TV dramas
“Offensive, defensive, everything”
Andy Butfoy
9 March 2017
Character and content can be hard to disentangle in assessing Donald Trump’s international security policies
We must all be China-watchers now
Kerry Brown
8 March 2017
With the West in flux, China’s nineteenth party congress will be closely observed
Healing Hong Kong’s political divisions – not as easy as ABC?
Duncan Hewitt
21 February 2017
Updated 28 February
| Candidates for next month’s election of a new chief executive are coming up against a more radical generation
Handing the initiative to China
John Fitzgerald
19 January 2017
Donald Trump undermines the global rules-based order at America’s own peril, and Australia risks being caught in the backwash
National affairs
Taking xenophobia out of the political donation debate
Joo-Cheong Tham & Malcolm Anderson
20 October 2016
The controversy over foreign political donations can easily be coloured by prejudice. The vital first step is to define what we mean by “foreign”
Essays & reportage
Beijing’s guoqing versus Australia’s way of life
John Fitzgerald
27 September 2016
Beijing’s role in the Chinese community media in Australia is increasingly in conflict with its own demand for respect
Books & arts
Whose utopia?
Madeleine O’Dea
22 September 2016
Fascinated by cities, Chinese artist and documentary-maker Cao Fei constantly returns to urban landscapes
A strong leader encounters stormy waters
Kerry Brown
24 August 2016
If China won’t compromise over the South China Sea, it risks becoming damagingly isolated, writes
Kerry Brown
Was the ABC shanghaied by Beijing?
John Fitzgerald
18 April 2016
China needs no help in silencing its critics at home and abroad. So how did Australia come to be part of the problem, asks
John Fitzgerald
National affairs
Keeping the sea lanes open: a cost–benefit analysis
John Quiggin
17 March 2016
Defence and economics mix in ways that aren’t considered by military strategists, writes
John Quiggin
Xi and Modi: parallel autocrats?
Kerry Brown & Marya Shakil
4 March 2016
Is the world big enough for both of them, ask
Kerry Brown
Marya Shakil
Learning curves
Kerry Brown
28 November 2015
Chinese investment’s image problem is fuelling an overreaction in Australia and elsewhere, writes
Kerry Brown
Engineers of human souls
Linda Jaivin
5 November 2015
Xi Jinping has made clear the Party’s views about the role of artists, writes
Linda Jaivin
. But it’s unclear what they will mean in practice
Books & arts
Restless continents throbbing and surging
Graeme Dobell
20 October 2015
| Even if the Asian century is peaceful that doesn’t mean it will be harmonious, writes
Graeme Dobell
Company town
Kerry Brown
6 October 2015
Unrest in Hong Kong is as much about poor management of urban challenges as it is about democracy, writes
Kerry Brown
Beijing’s anti-corruption drive: pro-business with Chinese characteristics
Kerry Brown
23 September 2015
Xi Jinping’s attack on corruption has an important economic goal, writes
Kerry Brown
in Chengdu
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