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Anwar closes the circle
Mark Baker
25 November 2022
Heir apparent in the 1990s, Anwar Ibrahim has finally taken Malaysia’s top job
National affairs
Will Labor need to share power in Victoria?
Tim Colebatch
24 November 2022
Polls have inevitably tightened in Victoria, and the shape of the upper house continues to be anyone’s bet
Books & arts
The teal thing
Brett Evans
24 November 2022
Could the success of smart, well-connected candidates realign conservative politics?
Game changers
Lesley Russell
16 November 2022
After last week’s midterm results, Donald Trump’s new run for president seems to come from a different era
National affairs
Victoria considers its verdict
Tim Colebatch
16 November 2022
The mood has shifted during the current election campaign, but the Liberals aren’t likely to be the beneficiaries
National affairs
The Queen is dead! Long live the president?
Liam Weeks
19 October 2022
Ireland provides one model for how a presidency can work within a parliamentary system
American democracy at its best?
Lesley Russell
7 October 2022
Our correspondent votes early for Colorado’s candidates in the US midterm elections
National affairs
Matthew Guy’s medical complications
James Murphy
7 October 2022
Will Victoria’s healthcare bidding war really benefit the opening bidder?
National affairs
How will we vote in the future?
Peter Brent
7 October 2022
The signs of change are clear, but the balance between convenience and secrecy is still evolving
National affairs
The above-the-liners
Paul Rodan
30 September 2022
Short-sighted political calculus has preserved a seriously undemocratic upper house in Victoria
National affairs
Strange, uncertain times
Peter Brent
24 September 2022
Shifting voter sentiment and a hostile global economy make Labor’s prospects far from clear
Essays & reportage
From messiah to mortal
Mike Steketee
20 September 2022
Forty years ago, another Labor government embarked on its first term in office
Democrats resurgent?
Lesley Russell
7 September 2022
Has the battle for the US midterm elections reached an inflection point?
National affairs
Missing persons
Peter Brent
20 December 2021
MPs’ popularity (and the extra advantage of being a first-termer) is rarely included in electoral calculus
National affairs
The curious case of the missing election issue
John Edwards
13 December 2021
An urgent economic challenge will scarcely get a mention when Labor and the Coalition go head to head
National affairs
The expectations game
Peter Brent
7 December 2021
Many Newspoll respondents think Labor will win the next election. But is that good news for the opposition?
National affairs
Back to the old normal
Carol Johnson
3 December 2021
Despite the pandemic, Labor and the Coalition are embracing policies from the past
National affairs
Western Australia to the rescue?
Peter Brent
1 December 2021
Mark McGowan might be riding high, but how much does that help federal Labor?
National affairs
Here we go again
Margaret Simons
25 November 2021
This time the election campaign needs to be reported differently
National affairs
Whose heartland?
Peter Brent
10 November 2021
Once seen as fabled “Howard’s battler” territory, Parramatta will be looking for a new MP at the next election
National affairs
How Labor wins
Brett Evans
5 November 2021
Pundits want Anthony Albanese to talk big. But is that the way Labor takes government?
Books & arts
Democracy is for losers
Ryan Cropp
29 October 2021
How does a system that tolerates its enemies defend itself?
National affairs
Is it time for voter ID?
Peter Brent
27 October 2021
The federal government thinks so, but probably for the wrong reasons
Chateaued dream
Brett Evans
14 October 2021
The political risk was missing from the price tag of the Czech PM’s luxury hideaway
National affairs
Crossbench on a roll?
Peter Brent
8 October 2021
Where do the “Voices” campaigns have their best chances of winning seats at the next federal election?
Germany’s arithmetic
Klaus Neumann
28 September 2021
Almost every party claims to have done well in Sunday’s election, but forming a new government requires an unprecedented coalition of three parties
Justin Trudeau’s brush with oblivion
Jonathan Malloy
24 September 2021
The Canadian PM squeaks back into office after facing his most formidable opponent so far
National affairs
The ghost of governments past
Peter Brent
15 September 2021
Is Kristina Keneally’s arrival in Fowler a symptom of Labor’s fear of the electorate?
Disappearing act
Klaus Neumann
14 September 2021
In the second part of our series on this month’s German election, our correspondent wonders about what has been left out of the debate
Books & arts
Putin’s nemesis?
Graeme Gill
9 September 2021
The Russian president’s party might be in trouble — but so is the opposition
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