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First Nations
Books & arts
Behind the law’s “sheen of neutrality”
Kate Rossmanith
26 September 2022
Black Lives, White Law
, Russell Marks points towards a more hopeful future
Books & arts
Casting Mystery Road
Jane Goodall
3 September 2022
Director Dylan River, producer Greer Simpkin and casting director Anousha Zarkesh talk to
Inside Story
about creating an ensemble with chemistry
Books & arts
Thinking Black
Tim Rowse
11 January 2022
A new biography shows how William Cooper set out to civilise white Australia
Essays & reportage
Uptight and uncomfortable
Renée Jeffery
22 November 2021
How can we improve Australia’s uneasy engagement with the global human rights system?
Essays & reportage
Telling truths
Tim Rowse
10 September 2021
What will emerge from an Indigenous-led process of truth-telling?
National affairs
The elephants in the courtroom
Jeremy Gans
10 September 2021
The justice system’s dealings with the police officer accused of killing Kumanjayi Walker are shadowed by cases past
Essays & reportage
All that remains
Kate Fullagar
30 August 2021
The burial sites of Bennelong and Arthur Phillip suggest new ways of thinking about early Australia
Essays & reportage
The beauty and the terror
Tom Griffiths
6 August 2021
Mandy Martin, Australian artist
Books & arts
The trouble with history
Peter Sutton and Keryn Walshe
6 August 2021
The authors of
Farmers or Hunter-gatherers? The Dark Emu Debate
respond to Bill Gammage’s “The Great Divide”
National affairs
The place of reconciliation
Amanda Nettelbeck
29 June 2021
Does our opening up to Indigenous history work best locally?
National affairs
Timing is (almost) everything
Peter Brent
22 June 2021
Can a referendum on the Voice to Parliament succeed?
Books & arts
The teller and the tale
Tim Rowse
16 June 2021
What is Indigenous knowledge and who has it? Tim Rowse reviews Peter Sutton and Keryn Walshe’s critique of Bruce Pascoe’s
Dark Emu
Essays & reportage
Why does Truth come third?
Kate Fullagar
8 June 2021
The awarding of the Sydney Peace Prize to the Uluru Statement from the Heart is a reminder of the challenges it raises for historians
Essays & reportage
Land of plenty
Amanda Nettelbeck
26 March 2021
Is the federal government looking for too much unity in a country nourished by difference?
Essays & reportage
How the world spins
Mark Baker
19 March 2021
Mark Baker
recalls an encounter with David Gulpilil in 1998
National affairs
The Sámi’s voice
Harry Hobbs
8 February 2021
Does Sweden’s Sámediggi offer lessons for Australia’s Indigenous Voice to Parliament?
Books & arts
Tasman bubble
Jock Given
30 November 2020
| The links have been quietly developing for decades, but there’s still much more Australia can learn from its nearest eastern neighbour
Essays & reportage
A steep climb ahead, but the landscape has become clearer for Closing the Gap
Michael Dillon
8 September 2020
While the new agreement opens up opportunities for Indigenous organisations, the federal government has stepped back from its post-1967 responsibilities
Essays & reportage
Memorialising Captain Cook in lonely places
Alessandro Antonello
3 September 2020
An exchange of memorials illustrates how Cook has been remembered and misremembered
Essays & reportage
On Possession Island
Bain Attwood
4 August 2020
Myth, history and Captain Cook
National affairs
Closing the (effectiveness) gap
Peter Mares
2 July 2020
The Productivity Commission wants a new focus on what works for Indigenous communities
Books & arts
Survival valley
Callum Clayton-Dixon
24 June 2020
| Historian Mark Dunn is alive to the complexities of early contact in the Hunter region
National affairs
A friend on the outside
Robert Milliken
12 June 2020
Two major inquiries have recommended a simple measure to reduce Aboriginal deaths in custody. So why have most states taken so long to act?
Books & arts
The long journey home
Emma Lee
5 June 2020
| A new biography of Truganini provokes bittersweet reflections
Books & arts
Before the dust settled
Jessica Urwin
4 June 2020
| The ABC’s satirical take on the Maralinga tests captures the confusion and the wilful blindness
Books & arts
Boots on the ground
Jane Goodall
13 May 2020
| Ensemble drama
Mystery Road
is in a class of its own
Essays & reportage
Cook eclipsed
Nicholas Thomas
1 May 2020
Reappraisals and re-enactments have shaped public memory, but our understanding of James Cook’s life and impact continues to evolve
Essays & reportage
1770 and all that
Hamish McDonald
28 April 2020
The anniversary festival has been abandoned, but the communities at Cook’s landing point continue to promote a more complex story
Books & arts
Frontier thinking
Henry Reynolds
27 April 2020
| Two new books about frontier conflict bring fresh evidence that Aboriginal communities waged well-planned warfare on the settlers
Essays & reportage
What are whitefellas talking about when we talk about “cultural burning”?
Timothy Neale
17 April 2020
Having yet again rediscovered Aboriginal land management practices, let’s not let the opportunity slip away
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