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Get serious, world
Brett Evans
13 August 2021
It might be a very bad film, but
The Day After Tomorrow
has a message for today
Books & arts
First, learn the language
Martha Macintyre
8 August 2021
Gillian Tett, the woman who predicted the global financial crisis, uses anthropological tools to probe how business works
From the archive
Is Sky News taking Australia by storm?
Margaret Simons
5 August 2021
Our media writer spends a fortnight watching the channel’s after-dark presenters preaching to the converted
Essays & reportage
Fairfax’s blue team
Tim Burrowes
16 July 2021
Based in a nondescript office in inner Sydney in 2016–17, a secret team set about saving the publisher’s newspapers
National affairs
Bylines and bygones
Margaret Simons
16 July 2021
No longer “crazy universities,” newsrooms are slowly adapting to a more challenging environment
National affairs
Reaper redux?
Daniel Reeders
15 July 2021
Fear campaigns might suit government, but HIV/AIDS showed us what really works
National affairs
The watchdog that sometimes barked
Margaret Simons
2 July 2021
The Press Council faces renewed calls for reform
National affairs
Understanding the Covid trust bump
Sora Park
23 June 2021
What lessons can be learned from the increase in news consumption and trust in the media at the height of the pandemic?
National affairs
What Four Corners did and didn’t do
Margaret Simons
16 June 2021
Their origins might be murky, but Scott Morrison would be wise to deal more fully with the allegations about his friendship with Tim Stewart
National affairs
When bravado trumps reporting
Margaret Simons
1 June 2021
The pandemic has brought out the best and the worst in journalism
National affairs
Good news week
Margaret Simons
21 May 2021
Has the government broken its habit of making political appointments to the ABC board?
National affairs
War in the newsrooms
Margaret Simons
11 May 2021
Objective? Balanced? Impartial? Three journalists debate the values newsrooms should reflect
National affairs
Polling’s least-worst option
Peter Brent
3 May 2021
The Nine papers’ well-intentioned attempt to improve coverage of political polls could have the opposite effect
National affairs
The arc of justice
Margaret Simons
24 April 2021
Journalism has a different role to play from the legal system. It begins with reporting the facts as the journalist understands them
National affairs
Australian media’s latest export
Margaret Simons
25 March 2021
A unique medium for disseminating academic research is celebrating its first decade
National affairs
Borrowed time
Rodney Tiffen
19 March 2021
Trigger-happy state opposition MPs seem set on repeating the mistakes of the past
National affairs
Muting the messenger
Margaret Simons
12 March 2021
The media is entering challenging new territory. Let’s hope the reporters don’t get in the way of the story
Books & arts
Clipping his own ticket
Michael Gill
8 December 2020
| How Lionel Barber rescued one of the world’s great newspapers
Captain Abbott’s pick
David Hayes
2 October 2020
Britain’s man-gets-job frenzy was less about Tony Abbott than it seemed
National affairs
How low can you go?
Peter Brent
21 September 2020
Structural shifts mean that Labor’s primary vote is only part of the election-winning equation
Essays & reportage
All hands on deck
Michael Dillon
21 August 2020
Noel Pearson’s job guarantee plan meets its most powerful critic: the newspaper that published it
National affairs
Here is the news (good and bad) for local readers
Sora Park and Caroline Fisher
13 August 2020
Despite the shaky business model, the thirst for local news hasn’t gone away in regional Australia
Books & arts
Something somebody wants suppressed
Kieran Pender
21 July 2020
| Journalist Annika Smethurst underscores the personal toll of declining press freedom in Australia
Italy’s Black Lives Matter moment
James Panichi
30 June 2020
Clashes over a statue in Milan reveal complicated truths about the country’s postwar history
National affairs
Speaking freely in special clothing
Graeme Orr
25 June 2020
What happens when sport moves from the back pages to the front?
National affairs
How disasters are shaping Australians’ news habits
Sora Park, Caroline Fisher, Jee Young Lee and Kieran McGuinness
16 June 2020
A new study tracks the rise in news consumption during the bushfires and the pandemic — and finds a glimmer of hope for publishers
Essays & reportage
When Kerry Packer met his match
Rodney Tiffen
14 May 2020
Malcolm Turnbull spilled the beans on Kerry Packer’s secret plans for Fairfax back in 1991. So why are his memoirs so coy about this key episode?
Essays & reportage
“Don’t ever expect anything from me”
Mark Baker
27 April 2020
How Malcolm Turnbull turned himself into an international figure
Books & arts
The Prince
Frank Bongiorno
26 April 2020
| Energy, ambition, bravado and intellect — so what went wrong for Malcolm Turnbull?
National affairs
Over to you, talkback radio and citizen juries?
Peter Brent
16 April 2020
Calls for a “national discussion” paper over the reality of an evolving crisis
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