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Essays & reportage
Face to face with journalism’s future
James Panichi
26 March 2018
’s takeover of a sleepy weekly at Europe’s political epicentre promised great things. But something went wrong when the big stories began to break
National affairs
“We’re not just looking at who’s telling the stories, but the stories we’re choosing to tell”
Sophie Black
23 March 2018
#MeToo leapt to prominence by naming names, but it also kicked off a quiet revolution in the media (including a long-overdue
New York Times
obituary for Charlotte Bronte)
Essays & reportage
The chronicler we deserve?
Matthew Ricketson & Rodney Tiffen
22 February 2018
Michael Wolff’s book owes a large debt to the ethically grounded work of the journalists he professes to disdain
National affairs
Why the ABC was right — eventually
Peter Brent
19 February 2018
The mystery is why Emma Alberici’s article was published in the first place
Essays & reportage
You are no longer the product
Tom Greenwell
6 February 2018
Dutch news site
De Correspondent
represents a radical challenge to traditional journalistic practice. Now, it’s about to launch in the United States
National affairs
Duchesses and overlords
Graeme Smith
18 January 2018
Concetta Fierravanti-Wells and Maurice Newman share a deep suspicion of China’s intentions in the Pacific. But the reality doesn’t match their claims
National affairs
Geoffrey Rush’s day in court
Sally McCausland
11 December 2017
The scene is set for a showdown in the Federal Court next year, as the distinguished actor vehemently defends his reputation. But how is the case likely to unfold?
From cascade to citadel
David Hayes
6 December 2017
How the post-Weinstein furore shook British politics
Books & arts
Historian of the present
Peter Browne
5 December 2017
Ken Inglis was not only a widely admired historian but also a gifted reporter and a sharp-eyed pioneer of press criticism
National affairs
Big picture, few hilltops
Margaret Simons
14 November 2017
Where is the ABC heading? Michelle Guthrie’s latest announcement doesn’t make the future much clearer
National affairs
Triple-century challenge
Sally McCausland
2 November 2017
Chris Gayle’s courtroom win shows the risks of the global campaign to expose alleged sexual predators
Breakfast in America
Graeme Dobell
10 October 2017
Letter from Washington
| Six weeks in Trump territory leaves our correspondent worried but grateful
Essays & reportage
Dance of the elephants
Matthew Ricketson
18 September 2017
Despite Nick Xenophon’s efforts, less powerful players were squeezed out of the media reform deal
Essays & reportage
Jumping the gate
Jack Latimore
23 August 2017
Having started life as a tweet, IndigenousX helped reorient the constitutional recognition debate
National affairs
High-tech, low growth
Brett Evans
25 July 2017
Are the Big Four stifling competition and inhibiting growth? Pro-business commentators have joined the push to dilute their power
Essays & reportage
Journalism is in peril. Can government help?
Tom Greenwell
29 June 2017
State support for the press is commonplace in Europe, and it doesn’t appear to inhibit journalists. But does it bring real benefits?
National affairs
Making news valuable for its own sake
Michael Gill
19 May 2017
Regardless of who owns Fairfax, it’s time for the company to put content at the centre of its business strategy
National affairs
Yassmin Abdel-Magied and the Pavlovian puzzle
Peter Brent
4 May 2017
It’s day nine of a classic News Corp–Coalition culture-war crusade
National affairs
Those damned, elusive Newspoll boosts
Peter Brent
24 April 2017
A lot happened in the past fortnight. But not much happened in Newspoll
Essays & reportage
John Clarke and the power of satire
Matthew Ricketson
11 April 2017
The satirist inverted conventional journalistic formats to probe politics and power
National affairs
A dangerous game
Tom Hyland
5 April 2017
The campaign to hide the full truth of Australia’s involvement in the Iraq war continues
Essays & reportage
Back to the future with Facebook
Sybil Nolan
4 April 2017
From the archive
| Are Facebook, Google and Apple as different from the old news media as they claim to be?
Sybil Nolan
looks at their vertical transition
Yesterday’s man, tomorrow
David Hayes
30 March 2017
A Conservative chancellor turned newspaper editor may influence politics, and Brexit, in unexpected ways
National affairs
Anarcho-Marxist claptrap and the rule of law
Peter Mares
17 March 2017
Injustices sometimes need to be resisted unlawfully, as critics of Sally McManus should know
Essays & reportage
“Them” and “us”: the enduring power of welfare myths
Peter Whiteford
10 March 2017
Surveys show how persistent – and persistently wrong – beliefs about welfare spending can be
Journalism in the Trump era
Rodney Tiffen
24 February 2017
The story, so far, of the new president’s media strategy
National affairs
Tell me why I don’t like Mondays
Jane Goodall
8 February 2017
There’s plenty of politics on ABC TV’s weekly evening marathon, but is the national broadcaster taking it all seriously enough?
National affairs
Post-truth politics: a short look at a long history
Norman Abjorensen
27 January 2017
Political life has always had an ambivalent relationship with verifiable facts
Books & arts
Speaking freely
Jock Given
19 January 2017
| How can we protect free speech in a global village that’s more like a vast multicultural city?
Essays & reportage
“Now, where were we…?”
Andrew Dodd
19 January 2017
My unexpected lunch with James Fairfax, once heir to the media empire
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