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The man behind the “perpetual conflict machine”
Matthew Ricketson
28 December 2016
Old-fashioned reporting finally undid the unattractive creator of Fox News
Fox News’s pyrrhic victory
Rodney Tiffen
26 December 2016
It seemed like a good year for Rupert Murdoch, but will Donald Trump’s victory come back to haunt Fox News?
Books & arts
Cutting on the bias
Jane Goodall
5 December 2016
| Is Michelle Guthrie copping the blame for two decades of attacks on the ABC?
From the archive
Mitchell, Murdoch and me
Peter Brent
13 October 2016
A critic-turned-employee of the
recalls the highs and lows of dealing with Chris Mitchell, editor-in-chief
Essays & reportage
Beijing’s guoqing versus Australia’s way of life
John Fitzgerald
27 September 2016
Beijing’s role in the Chinese community media in Australia is increasingly in conflict with its own demand for respect
Essays & reportage
A different kind of news?
Tom Greenwell
13 September 2016
A historic shift has given readers the edge over advertisers in determining the news media’s viability, writes
Tom Greenwell.
But what will that mean in practice?
Essays & reportage
Shooting the picture: then and now
Sally Young & Fay Anderson
7 September 2016
Much has changed since the earliest photojournalism, write
Sally Young
Fay Anderson
. But some challenges have made a comeback in the digital age
Essays & reportage
Managing Hiroshima
Matthew Ricketson
4 August 2016
We now know much about what happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945. But the earliest reliable news came from maverick journalists, writes
Matthew Ricketson
Anthony Sampson, the inside-outsider
David Hayes
29 July 2016
The anatomist of Britain and ally of South African freedom, born ninety years ago, was a pioneer in journalism, says
David Hayes
A post-Brexit election
David Hayes
5 July 2016
Britain’s media finds in Australia’s drama some relief from the country’s own, says
David Hayes
National affairs
Reputations in the courtroom
Sally McCausland
10 June 2016
Two recent defamation decisions illustrate how the law can be bad for both sides when cases go to court, writes
Sally McCausland
Was the ABC shanghaied by Beijing?
John Fitzgerald
18 April 2016
China needs no help in silencing its critics at home and abroad. So how did Australia come to be part of the problem, asks
John Fitzgerald
From the archive
The Independent, a restless farewell
David Hayes
25 March 2016
The last print run of a once vital newspaper has been hailed as a digital ascent. But it’s more complicated than that
Books & arts
The thrill of the chase
Sylvia Lawson
3 February 2016
Sylvia Lawson
The Big Short
Books & arts
Anchors away
Jane Goodall
17 December 2015
| News anchors are taking on a life of their own, writes
Jane Goodall
. But are we losing something in the process?
Books & arts
Newsfront revisited
Sylvia Lawson
15 December 2015
| Philip Noyce’s 1978 feature was an antidote to the tasteful costume dramas of the reviving Australian film industry, writes
Sylvia Lawson
Books & arts
He’s not the Messiah…
Brett Evans
11 December 2015
| Paddy Manning’s biography of Malcolm Turnbull reveals a man in a blazing hurry, writes
Brett Evans
Books & arts
Carolyn Holbrook
10 December 2015
| Australian women have been reporting from war zones since the beginning of the twentieth century, and sometimes that’s meant stepping over the line
Books & arts
The enigma of Keith Murdoch
Michael Cannon
18 November 2015
A new biography reveals a complex and contentious figure
Spin control
Peter Clarke
5 November 2015
Jane Goodall
Stephen Mills
Peter Clarke
to take the temperature of the political interview
National affairs
It might say free trade on the label, but what’s in the tin?
Tom Westland
1 July 2015
Big numbers have a tendency to take on a life of their own, writes
Tom Westland
National affairs
Why Bill Shorten and Labor can afford to ignore Rupert Murdoch
Rodney Tiffen
23 June 2015
With declining reach and influence, the Murdoch empire can no longer determine election results, writes
Rodney Tiffen
Books & arts
An ethical tightrope across Struggle Street
Jane Goodall
8 May 2015
| “Poverty porn” it isn’t, but the aims of
Struggle Street
still worry
Jane Goodall
National affairs
The art of misinterpreting election victories
Peter Brent
2 April 2015
Unexpected wins in 1993, 1998 and 2001 have distorted the way we interpret election results, writes
Peter Brent
. The effects are still influencing how political players…
“Of course I’m going to try to save my citizens from execution”
Ross Tapsell
31 March 2015
In Indonesia, executions are less about effective policy and more about feelings of nationalism and sovereignty, writes
Ross Tapsell
in Jakarta
National affairs
Back to base
Peter Brent
16 March 2015
Are the self-appointed consciences of the Liberal Party helping the government?
Peter Brent
doesn’t think so
National affairs
That’s their story, and they’re sticking to it
Jane Goodall
15 February 2015
Much more than an attempted leadership spill went on at Parliament House during the week, writes
Jane Goodall
. But the script stayed the same
Three elections and a hypothesis
Peter Clarke
22 January 2015
The Coalition lost in Victoria and looks like doing less well than expected in Queensland and New South Wales.
Peter Clarke
discusses why, and what it says about the…
National affairs
Tabloid tweeter tangles the truth
Rodney Tiffen
18 December 2014
Australia’s most powerful American citizen increasingly sees reality in the same way as the Tea Party, says
Rodney Tiffen
Books & arts
Documentary? Just call it cinema
Sylvia Lawson
30 October 2014
Sylvia Lawson
Rocking the Foundations
The 50-Year Argument
The Land Between
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