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Out of the woodchipper
Michael Jacobs
13 March 2025
At least one of its rivals will be rubbing its hands at Washington’s retreat from foreign aid and international institutions
Books & arts
Innovation and reaction
Julian Disney
7 February 2025
A new history of Australia’s postwar welfare system provides plenty of lessons for a better future
National affairs
Jenny Macklin’s mythbusters
Mike Steketee
10 May 2023
The Economic Inclusion Advisory Committee might not have got what it asked for, but it has kickstarted an overdue debate
Banking on Banga
Michael Jacobs
18 April 2023
The new World Bank president wants change, but will he get the backing he needs?
From the archive
Arthur Stace’s single mighty word
Anne-Marie Condé
1 February 2023
Why did this shy Sydneysider dot his city with a one-word poem?
National affairs
A new era for housing?
Peter Mares
28 September 2022
The biggest investment in social housing since Kevin Rudd was prime minister won’t be enough to stop life getting tougher for low-income tenants
“Yes, I know we disobey orders. But what else can I do?”
Antonio Castillo
1 March 2021
Informal workers in Latin America search for ways to survive during the pandemic
When wealthier doesn’t mean healthier
Lesley Russell
11 February 2021
Covid-19 hit the United States hard, but life expectancy was already falling. The lessons for other countries are clear
National affairs
Where the fight against Covid-19 will be won or lost
Adam Triggs
23 November 2020
Years of progress in reducing poverty will be wasted if we don’t change how financial markets treat developing countries during the pandemic
National affairs
A free lunch for low-income renters?
Peter Mares
2 November 2020
Researchers have identified how to help struggling households more equitably
National affairs
Is a $213 billion budget deficit unethical?
Peter Mares
7 October 2020
The government needs to do more to share the risks during the recovery
Essays & reportage
What would it really take to supercharge social housing?
Peter Mares
29 September 2020
With governments unwilling to fix taxes or borrow, perhaps even Ronald Reagan has something to teach us
Essays & reportage
Global poverty at the crossroads
Saul Eslake
21 July 2020
Rather than handing over the job to charities and philanthropists, it’s time for Western governments to act decisively
India’s corona casualties
Assa Doron
4 May 2020
India’s firm action has been undermined by religious prejudice and poverty
National affairs
Lives in limbo
Abul Rizvi
3 April 2020
The new JobKeeper allowance holds a gun to the heads of more than a million temporary entrants
National affairs
Social protection and the viral recession
Bruce Bradbury and Peter Whiteford
20 March 2020
So far, Australia’s help for employees displaced, self-isolating or ill has been less than generous
National affairs
Is Newstart really the pacesetter Scott Morrison says it is?
Peter Whiteford
10 July 2019
Whichever way you measure it, Australia’s unemployment benefit is far from being “one of the best safety nets, if not the best, of anywhere in the world”
Essays & reportage
Expecting the unexpected
Peter Whiteford
30 April 2019
Australia does better than the United States in helping households cope with volatile incomes and unforeseen expenses — but there’s plenty of room for improvement
National affairs
How to make Australia fairer
Carmela Chivers
20 March 2019
We’re doing better than many comparable countries, but that’s not enough
Books & arts
Going back to where we came from
Susan Lever
5 October 2018
Do Sydney’s theatre audiences yearn for the city of old?
National affairs
“You don’t see people sleeping on the streets”
Peter Mares
7 September 2018
Finland’s Housing First strategy has all but eradicated homelessness. Could the same approach work in Australia?
How America’s War on Poverty became a war on the poor
Lesley Russell
17 August 2018
The Trump administration says the decades-old effort to reduce poverty is over, for all the wrong reasons
Books & arts
A big reality
Jane Goodall
3 December 2017
| The second season of
Struggle Street
points to something much deeper than poverty
Essays & reportage
Rush to judgement
Bronwyn Adcock
17 August 2017
Battle lines are drawn in Nowra over the complex causes of homelessness
Republicans versus voters as healthcare bill founders
Lesley Russell
2 July 2017
Lacking popular support or the endorsement of even a single state, the push for the Republican healthcare bill seems detached from reality
National affairs
Inequality: a three-decade story in eighteen charts
Saul Eslake
6 June 2017
Is Australia doing enough to reduce inequality?
Essays & reportage
Green and pleasant memories
Tom Bamforth
11 August 2016
Tom Bamforth
discovers the afterlife of Melbourne’s Olympic village
Books & arts
The rising tide that lifts some yachts
Jane Goodall
13 July 2015
| Why are we angered by stories of Greek hairdressers retiring at fifty on public pensions, asks
Jane Goodall
, yet unmoved at the thought of bailed-out…
National affairs
Budget 2015: the winners and losers
Daniel Nethery & Peter Whiteford
11 June 2015
The prime minister’s attacks on NATSEM’s modelling can’t hide the fact that resources have been taken away from lower-income households, write
National affairs
Welfare myths and the luck of life
Andrew Leigh
28 May 2015
There’s no such thing as “us” and “them,” writes
Andrew Leigh
. A good social safety net is there for all of us
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