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Books & arts
Stuck in the middle
Michael Gill
17 March 2025
An American journalist lifts the veil on a company that might exemplify China’s future
Books & arts
Mobile generations
Jock Given
28 June 2023
Behind their inexorable rise, mobile phones leave a landscape littered with once-mighty businesses and technological dead-ends
Essays & reportage
Singapore swivel
Eric Ellis
11 October 2022
Optus’s troubles shine a light on the company’s ultimate controller, the hydra-headed Singapore Inc.
Essays & reportage
5G’s new frontier
Jock Given
23 October 2017
From the archive
| Backers of 5G promise breathtaking speed and ultra-reliability. But does Australia need its own vision for the new wireless networks?
The stratifying internet
Julian Thomas
18 November 2016
Internet connections have surged in the region, but cost has re-emerged as a constraint for many users
National affairs
The long, covert history of rural telecoms policy
John Doyle
8 September 2014
The choice between politically charged cross-subsidies and direct government subsidies has always been a feature of Australian telecommunications policy-making, writes
John Doyle
Books & arts
The war that isn’t going to happen
Emily Crawford
25 August 2013
“Cyber war” has more in common with the war on obesity than the second world war, says Thomas Rid.
Emily Crawford
reviews his new book
Books & arts
The middle-aged mobile
Ramon Lobato
17 May 2013
The mobile phone turned forty last month.
Ramon Lobato
reviews three recent books about the worlds it has created
Mobile phone nation
Assa Doron & Robin Jeffrey
14 February 2013
With subscriber numbers heading for a billion, the disruptive impact of mobile phones in India could be enormous. In this extract from their new book,
Robin Jeffrey
Essays & reportage
Home offices and remote parents
Melissa Gregg
29 September 2011
Attention-seeking technologies are increasingly blurring the line between home and work, writes
Melissa Gregg
A wallet, a browser and a social networking tool
Xan Rice
20 April 2011
Kenyans are leapfrogging landlines and going straight to mobile, with enormous social and economic implications, writes
Xan Rice
National affairs
All fibre, all the way!
Jock Given
23 September 2010
At the Imperial Palace, Human Nature is gearing up for two more years of “Celebration of Motown.” But further along The Strip it’s fibre-to-the-home that’s…
National affairs
We’re all tech heads now
Jock Given
23 August 2010
Broadband might have divided the major parties before the election, but there’s not going to be so much difference now, writes
Jock Given
Essays & reportage
When Marconi’s magic came to Queenscliff…
Jock Given
12 August 2010
The Coalition thinks wireless is the answer for Australian broadband.
Jock Given
remembers an earlier moment when wires-without-wires had their day.
National affairs
Inside Conroy’s Implement
Jock Given
16 May 2010
What does $25 million worth of consultancy conclude about the national broadband network, asks
Jock Given
National affairs
Kevin Rudd’s partner
Jock Given
7 April 2009
Fresh back from overseas, a prime minister makes a stunning telecommunications announcement. And the historical parallels don’t end there, writes
Jock Given