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Michael Gill
Michael Gill is a former CEO and Editor-in-Chief of the Financial Review Group.
Books & arts
Stuck in the middle
Michael Gill
17 March 2025
An American journalist lifts the veil on a company that might exemplify China’s future
Books & arts
Learning from Hefei
Michael Gill
5 February 2025
Economic and political pressures are pulling in different directions in Xi Jinping’s China
Books & arts
Presidential power, and its limits
Michael Gill
9 October 2024
Canny coalition-building fuelled the ascendancy of Indonesia’s Joko Widodo. But does his chosen successor represent continuity or change?
National affairs
Asking the right questions about the ABC
Michael Gill
1 September 2023
Is the broadcaster judging itself according to the wrong criteria?
Books & arts
Global reach
Michael Gill
15 May 2023
Do asset managers own the world?
Essays & reportage
What NASA’s moonshot can teach us about shaping the post-Covid economy
Michael Gill
22 March 2021
It’s time for governments to go on the front foot, says economist Mariana Mazzucato
Books & arts
Clipping his own ticket
Michael Gill
8 December 2020
| How Lionel Barber rescued one of the world’s great newspapers
Books & arts
Off the map
Michael Gill
15 November 2019
How did economists steer the world so badly off course?
National affairs
For both parties, the lessons of the election are clear
Michael Gill
22 May 2019
Strategies that pander to the party “base” have been thoroughly discredited
National affairs
What could possibly go wrong?
Michael Gill
5 February 2019
Hayne calls for surgery, Frydenberg takes a tablet
National affairs
Déjà vu all over again
Michael Gill
16 August 2018
Electricity-hungry aluminium smelters continue to push for more coal-fired power stations
National affairs
The emperors’ old clothes
Michael Gill
11 May 2018
The banking royal commission has exposed senior management, boards and regulators to unprecedented scrutiny — and the problems don’t end with the finance sector
National affairs
Hear that ticking?
Michael Gill
22 March 2018
Finance’s share of the Australian economy is higher than ever, leaving us vulnerable to a growing global liquidity bubble
National affairs
Making news valuable for its own sake
Michael Gill
19 May 2017
Regardless of who owns Fairfax, it’s time for the company to put content at the centre of its business strategy
When free-riding proves expensive
Michael Gill
17 June 2015
Economist William Nordhaus has come up with a new approach to reducing carbon emissions, writes
Michael Gill
. And Australia could benefit more than we expect
National affairs
More risk than meets the eye
Michael Gill
3 June 2015
Has Australia’s finance sector grown unsustainably powerful? Two landmark speeches highlight the scale of the problem, writes
Michael Gill
National affairs
Here be dragons
Michael Gill
23 April 2015
Inflated expectations are the baggage of Australia’s recent resources boom, writes
Michael Gill
. They’re starting to look like a burden
National affairs
Crowding out
Michael Gill
23 February 2015
A new report highlights the dangers of a burgeoning finance sector, writes
Michael Gill
National affairs
Time to slay some sacred cows
Michael Gill
13 February 2015
Better ways of dealing with the federal budget deficit would also boost growth, argues
Michael Gill
National affairs
What the electorate can see but the big parties can’t
Michael Gill
3 February 2015
Don’t blame the voters for government failures, says
Michael Gill
. Where the arguments are spelt out and the implementation is effective, electoral benefits will follow
National affairs
Stormy weather
Michael Gill
17 December 2014
A focus on the fitness of the economy should replace the overheated debate about “fiscal balance,” writes
Michael Gill
Books & arts
A virus in search of a host
Michael Gill
27 October 2014
Martin Wolf offers the best explanation of how the financial crisis came about and what it means for the future, writes
Michael Gill
National affairs
Compulsory super: the scheme that failed
Michael Gill
5 October 2012
A new report reveals deep flaws in Australia’s compulsory superannuation scheme
Books & arts
How the AFR’s “disastrous” paywall delivered the goods
Michael Gill
7 November 2011
Former Financial Review Group CEO
Michael Gill
responds to our podcast, Paywalls: the good news and the gamble