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National affairs
National affairs
Judging Kathleen Folbigg
Jeremy Gans
15 November 2023
A High Court decision has added to concerns about jury behaviour that were passed over by a series of appeal judges
National affairs
Tax reform is hard, but not impossible
Danielle Wood
7 November 2023
The outgoing Grattan Institute chief executive strikes an optimistic note in this year’s Freebairn Lecture
National affairs
Getting the referendum wrong
Peter Brent
6 November 2023
Railing against the elites, the
’s editor-at-large has missed real messages in the Voice vote
National affairs
The dental divide
Lesley Russell
30 October 2023
Australian health policy doesn’t treat it that way, but dental care is a medical issue
National affairs
Imelda Marcos’s videotapes
Mark Baker
24 October 2023
… and other encounters with Bill Hayden, foreign minister 1983–88
National affairs
Hot country, frozen document
Graeme Orr
16 October 2023
Would voluntary voting on referendum proposals help thaw the Constitution?
National affairs
Indigenous policy’s inflection point
Michael Dillon
16 October 2023
What does the referendum result mean for First Nations policymaking?
National affairs
The unforgiving logic of Labor referendums
Peter Brent
16 October 2023
Despite the Yes campaign’s best efforts, Saturday’s vote followed the referendum playbook
National affairs
The weight of history
Peter Brent
13 October 2023
Different audiences will be watching for different messages during Saturday night’s referendum count
National affairs
Can we build them?
Peter Mares
13 October 2023
The federal government has set a target of 1.2 million new homes in five years. Discussions at the National Housing Conference revealed the scale of the challenge
National affairs
Half empty and half full?
Tim Colebatch
6 October 2023
The International Energy Agency brings news, good and bad, on climate
National affairs
Timing, and other referendum obstacles
Peter Brent
29 September 2023
History shows that the merits of the question are secondary considerations in any referendum vote
National affairs
Pharaoh’s curse
James Murphy
28 September 2023
Daniel Andrews’s legacy is written across Victoria in concrete and steel
National affairs
Who’s minding the minders?
Paddy Gourley
14 September 2023
The government’s planned regulations aren’t tough enough to bring ministerial staff under control
National affairs
Two cheers for the HAFF
Peter Mares
13 September 2023
Labor and the crossbench have finally come together to tackle Australia’s housing crisis, but more needs to be done
National affairs
Is security trumping democracy?
Richard Robison and Garry Rodan
8 September 2023
Australia’s foreign policy is falling victim to domestic conflicts between conservatism and social democracy
National affairs
Flawed foundations
Peter Mares
8 September 2023
The federal government needs more than conventional wisdom to craft a national housing strategy
National affairs
The ageing alarmists won’t let go
John Quiggin
4 September 2023
Fears about the impact of increasing longevity haven’t aged well
National affairs
Asking the right questions about the ABC
Michael Gill
1 September 2023
Is the broadcaster judging itself according to the wrong criteria?
National affairs
No diversion unticked
Peter Brent
31 August 2023
A more responsible party leader wouldn’t have joined in a ridiculous debate about ticks and crosses
National affairs
The weakest link
Lesley Russell
30 August 2023
Private health insurance is a drain on the federal budget with no clear benefits. So why is Labor only quietly tinkering?
National affairs
What happened to Gonski’s schools?
Chris Bonnor
18 August 2023
Successive reviews of school education have promised a brighter future, but how many of them have gone back to see what went wrong last time?
National affairs
No time to waste
Jessica Urwin
18 August 2023
The defeat of the latest in a series of nuclear waste plans signals the need for a fresh approach
National affairs
Flying high
James Panichi
14 August 2023
Qantas’s relations with government underscore the inadequacies of Australia’s lobbying laws
National affairs
Watershed election
Anika Gauja & Marian Sawer and Jill Sheppard
11 August 2023
Morrison’s fall, the teals’ rise, Labor’s victory: the editors of a new post-election book survey the 2022 campaign
National affairs
Looking over the ABC’s demographic cliff
Geraldine Doogue
7 August 2023
Denial is no solution to the ABC’s problems. But neither is panic
National affairs
Quad erat demonstrandum?
Hamish McDonald
31 July 2023
A group of Japanese foreign policy experts has a message for the Australian government
National affairs
Yes and No: the official (but curiously incomplete) cases
Tim Rowse
19 July 2023
Neither of the Voice to Parliament pamphlets rises to the occasion
National affairs
Do the robodebt recommendations go far enough?
Paddy Gourley
14 July 2023
We know how to foster a frank and fearless public service. It’s time now for action
National affairs
Why is Labor contesting Fadden?
Peter Brent
13 July 2023
History isn’t encouraging, but perhaps the government is playing a long game
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