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Books & arts
In plain sight
Hamish McDonald
24 June 2020
| Is Beijing really waging a successful war against the West?
Beijing buffeted
Rowan Callick
27 May 2020
A key speech reveals worries on many fronts for China’s leaders
National affairs
Asia illiteracy
Edward Aspinall
27 May 2020
A national institution’s inward turn comes at a strange time
National affairs
Journalists on the ramparts
Hamish McDonald
20 May 2020
Has the press gallery forgotten we’re not at war with China?
Essays & reportage
Which side are you on?
Michael Bartos
18 May 2020
Is the Trump administration using the pandemic to reorder the international landscape?
Borrowed place, borrowed time?
Hamish McDonald
13 May 2020
Hong Kong seems to be heading into a long summer of trials, protests and electoral disqualifications
Geopolitics meets pandemic in the Pacific
Nic Maclellan
6 May 2020
As Pacific island nations reel from Cyclone Harold and the coronavirus, US–China tensions are complicating the path to recovery
Why the attacks on the WHO are a dangerous diversion
Michael Bartos
16 April 2020
On the evidence, the World Health Organization will come out of this crisis better than its most vocal critics
Sweeping graves
Antonia Finnane
7 April 2020
The how, and the how many, of mourning the dead in China
Elephants in the room
Rowan Callick
30 March 2020
Xi Jinping and Donald Trump have turned the coronavirus into a test of their governing styles
Essays & reportage
After the coronavirus, can Chinese politics ever be the same?
William H. Overholt
21 February 2020
Covid-19 adds to the likelihood of dramatic change in the world’s largest nation
What’s in a name?
Antonia Finnane
17 February 2020
There are other things we should know about the Chinese city at the centre of the coronavirus outbreak
Xi’s black swan test
Kerry Brown
2 February 2020
The coronavirus strikes at both the strongest and the most vulnerable features of the Chinese system
Losing hearts and minds
Rowan Callick
13 January 2020
Taiwanese voters add their voice to opponents of Xi Jinping’s ambitions
The paradox of the People’s Liberation Army
Kerry Brown and Sophie Wushuang Yi
4 December 2019
Tightly controlled and generously funded, the PLA hasn’t seen battle overseas since 1979
The power of the ballot box
Rowan Callick
25 November 2019
Has the pro-democracy movement gained the upper hand by the most peaceful means possible?
National affairs
Too dumb and too China-dependent?
Adam Triggs
22 October 2019
Criticisms of Australia’s exports misunderstand how trade and markets work
National affairs
What is a developing country anyway?
Tim Colebatch
4 October 2019
Scott Morrison says China has graduated to the rich-countries club. The figures say something different
One anniversary, two cities
Hamish McDonald
2 October 2019
Protests continued in Hong Kong as Beijing celebrated seventy years of communist rule
Essays & reportage
How Xi’s crackdown became a backlash
Richard McGregor
1 October 2019
The Chinese president is finally meeting resistance, not least among disgruntled officials
National affairs
China, the world, and us
Tim Colebatch
20 September 2019
Has Australia tied itself too closely to a single economy?
Hong Kong’s spirit of struggle
Rowan Callick
14 September 2019
The protesters’ undiminished resolve is all about preserving a way of life
National affairs
China’s postmodern experiment
Hamish McDonald
3 September 2019
Xi Jinping’s strategy has become clearer, and it needs a more sophisticated response from the West
National affairs
Australia’s US–China dilemma
Paul Barratt
20 August 2019
With careful thought and skilful diplomacy, Australia can navigate its way through the confrontation between Washington and Beijing
The low road to Kashmir
Louise Merrington
19 August 2019
Do India and China have more in common than they care to admit?
On the brink
Kerry Brown
16 August 2019
Why all sides must take a step back in Hong Kong
National affairs
Next up, the currency war
Adam Triggs
7 August 2019
Donald Trump’s latest complaints don’t stand up to scrutiny, but the global economy will suffer anyway
How Beijing sees Hong Kong
Kerry Brown
4 August 2019
The city’s economic importance has declined significantly, but China itself isn’t immune to the pressures on display
Essays & reportage
A brush with death: in China with the Whitlams
Richard Whitington
28 July 2019
A former member of Gough Whitlam’s staff recalls a visit to Tientsin forty-three years ago
Two systems, one crisis
Hamish McDonald
12 July 2019
The aftermath of the backdown in Hong Kong is being closely watched in Australia and among its allies
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