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National affairs
If stimulus is the question, the government’s tax cuts aren’t the answer
Adam Triggs
7 September 2020
The proposed tax cuts are a weak form of stimulus that would create more problems than they solve. There are better options
National affairs
The end of the goods economy
John Quiggin
3 September 2020
It’s time to let go of our twentieth-century view of economic activity
National affairs
Towards a post-Covid economy
Tim Colebatch
3 September 2020
Yesterday’s GDP figures show there are no soft options for recovery
National affairs
Modern Monetary Theory: a solution in search of a problem
Adam Triggs
31 August 2020
Most of modern monetary theory is not new. And what is new isn’t plausible
Essays & reportage
Orwell that ends well?
Nicholas Gruen
31 August 2020
Can the latest push to evaluate Indigenous programs really Close the Gap?
National affairs
Workers versus consumers: a false tradeoff
Adam Triggs
17 August 2020
Are trade, competition and technology good for consumers but bad for workers? History shows otherwise
Essays & reportage
Is time running out for the Chinese economy?
Saul Eslake
17 August 2020
The figures show that Xi Jinping presides over a system that’s more resilient than its critics acknowledge
National affairs
The trouble with “buying Australian”
Adam Triggs
10 August 2020
The campaign risks reducing our living standards and hurting poorer Australians the most
National affairs
Reducing stimulus at the worst possible time
Adam Triggs
3 August 2020
The federal government, the Reserve Bank, commercial banks and the exchange rate are in a race to the bottom. This need not be the case
National affairs
Different crisis, different times
John Quiggin
31 July 2020
Has the Coalition learnt the wrong lessons from Margaret Thatcher?
National affairs
Who do you trust?
Adam Triggs
27 July 2020
Rebuilding confidence in government is a prerequisite for economic reform
National affairs
JobKeeper and JobSeeker 2.0 look like failing three vital tests
Adam Triggs
20 July 2020
To be effective, their new versions need to be permanent, generous and consistent
National affairs
No time for austerity
John Quiggin
17 July 2020
John Maynard Keynes and the proponents of Modern Monetary Theory can agree on at least one thing
PNG’s peril is Beijing’s chance
Rowan Callick
16 July 2020
Are economic troubles edging Papua New Guinea closer to China?
National affairs
Don’t expect President Biden to fix Australia’s international problems
Adam Triggs
13 July 2020
A Biden administration won’t help with China and trade, and might even make things worse
National affairs
Universities, a shared crisis, and two centre-right governments
Glyn Davis
13 July 2020
Britain and Australia have reacted very differently to the pandemic’s impact on higher education
National affairs
Hard-hat utopians
John Quiggin
12 July 2020
State and federal strategies are ignoring where the jobs really are
National affairs
Raising the price of war
Adam Triggs
6 July 2020
The government should focus less on war preparation and more on war prevention
National affairs
Closing the (effectiveness) gap
Peter Mares
2 July 2020
The Productivity Commission wants a new focus on what works for Indigenous communities
National affairs
Has the government given up on markets?
Adam Triggs
22 June 2020
Changes to university fees are just the latest example of successive governments preferring to pick winners than trust markets
National affairs
Scott Morrison’s G7 tightrope
Adam Triggs
15 June 2020
Australia’s participation in Donald Trump’s G7 summit risks alienating Asia, the region that’s crucial for our economic recovery
Essays & reportage
“The gravest economic crisis since the end of the war”
John Hawkins
10 June 2020
What can we learn from Britain’s three-day week?
National affairs
Less foreign investment makes Australia less secure
Adam Triggs
9 June 2020
There are security risks in having foreign investment, but bigger risks in not having it
National affairs
Can we break the climate cycle?
Tristan Edis
1 June 2020
Human psychology might finally be on the side of decisive action to decarbonise Australia’s economy
National affairs
Need growth? Scrap policies that favour rich people and monopolies
Adam Triggs
1 June 2020
Breaking self-perpetuating cycles of rising inequality will be key to Australia’s economic recovery
Beijing buffeted
Rowan Callick
27 May 2020
A key speech reveals worries on many fronts for China’s leaders
National affairs
Are we in Accord?
Frank Bongiorno
27 May 2020
Whatever Scott Morrison has in mind, it doesn’t sound a lot like the 1980s Labor–union agreement
National affairs
A chance to do better for migrants, and for the economy
Annabel Brown and Caitlin McCaffrie
25 May 2020
Covid-19 has exposed the flaws in Australia’s treatment of temporary migrants. Fortunately, a blueprint for change already exists
Books & arts
When the market is the policy, housing fails
Peter Mares
25 May 2020
| Three housing researchers plot the way out of Australia’s affordability crisis
The decline in America’s financial supremacy just got faster
Adam Triggs
25 May 2020
Donald Trump and the Fed are combining with Covid-19 to undermine the dominance of the US dollar
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