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A brick can last a thousand years
Peter Mares
3 March 2025
One of the architects of London’s council housing renaissance has ideas for Australia
National affairs
Too many bedrooms, not enough homes
Peter Mares
22 May 2024
Local councils and NIMBYs continue to cop much of the blame for housing shortages. But the full story is a bit more complicated
Lord Salisbury’s message for the housing ombudsman
Peter Mares
20 February 2024
… and the housing ombudsman’s message for Australia
National affairs
On housing, is Labor listening?
Peter Mares
26 January 2024
The government seems to be ignoring valuable ideas raised during consultations on its housing plan
National affairs
Renters let down by partisan politics
Peter Mares
12 December 2023
After six months investigating Australia’s rental crisis, a Senate committee failed to offer useful recommendations
National affairs
And that’s housing
Peter Mares
30 November 2023
Alan Kohler meets the ghost of Bob Menzies in the latest
Quarterly Essay
National affairs
Can we build them?
Peter Mares
13 October 2023
The federal government has set a target of 1.2 million new homes in five years. Discussions at the National Housing Conference revealed the scale of the challenge
National affairs
Two cheers for the HAFF
Peter Mares
13 September 2023
Labor and the crossbench have finally come together to tackle Australia’s housing crisis, but more needs to be done
National affairs
Flawed foundations
Peter Mares
8 September 2023
The federal government needs more than conventional wisdom to craft a national housing strategy
National affairs
The perfect versus the good
Peter Mares
22 May 2023
How hard should the Greens push on housing?
Essays & reportage
The elusive quest for decent homes
Peter Mares
1 March 2023
Not-for-profit associations are taking over as providers of affordable rental housing. What can Australia learn from Britain, where the trend is well advanced?
Not enough houses?
Peter Mares
22 January 2023
Britain’s housing crisis has lessons for Australia
Books & arts
Building nothing is not an option
Peter Mares
28 November 2022
An urban sociologist probes the strengths and weaknesses of the “yes in my backyard” movement
National affairs
A new era for housing?
Peter Mares
28 September 2022
The biggest investment in social housing since Kevin Rudd was prime minister won’t be enough to stop life getting tougher for low-income tenants
National affairs
Time for a knock-down-rebuild of housing policy
Adam Triggs
7 December 2021
Governments around the world are using innovative policies to solve housing affordability challenges. Why not Australia?
National affairs
Asking the wrong questions about housing
Peter Mares
24 September 2021
It might be ill-conceived, but at least the latest inquiry into housing affordability is generating high-quality evidence
National affairs
Good ideas going nowhere
Peter Mares
27 August 2021
Timid governments need shaking up — but the pressure won’t come from the top
National affairs
Tribal gridlock
John Daley
27 July 2021
A hardening of shibboleths is eating away at good government
National affairs
Rising prices, plummeting rents
Peter Mares
15 February 2021
Australia’s housing market goes crazy — again
National affairs
A free lunch for low-income renters?
Peter Mares
2 November 2020
Researchers have identified how to help struggling households more equitably
Essays & reportage
What would it really take to supercharge social housing?
Peter Mares
29 September 2020
With governments unwilling to fix taxes or borrow, perhaps even Ronald Reagan has something to teach us
Essays & reportage
Beyond shelter
Peter Mares
4 August 2020
“Housing first” has emerged as the most effective way of tackling homelessness. But Finland, Denmark and Ireland show that government resolve is crucial too
Books & arts
When the market is the policy, housing fails
Peter Mares
25 May 2020
| Three housing researchers plot the way out of Australia’s affordability crisis
National affairs
Gap year
Lesley Russell
13 February 2020
The latest Closing the Gap report brings cause both for scepticism and for guarded optimism
Essays & reportage
“Density has to be likeable”
Leanne Hodyl
1 November 2019
High-rise housing has many benefits and quite a few shortcomings. The challenge is to shift the balance towards likeability
National affairs
Plenty of ideas, not much money
Peter Mares
2 September 2019
The federal government made it clear at the National Housing Conference that significant new spending isn’t likely
National affairs
If we won’t fix negative gearing, then what?
Peter Mares
7 June 2019
Part of Labor’s housing strategy could be adapted to lift affordability, and might just appeal to the government
National affairs
Housing boom, housing bust. What comes next?
Tim Colebatch
24 May 2019
The government must make clear that it doesn’t want any more booms
National affairs
Helping first homebuyers, and other misdirected pledges
Tim Colebatch
14 May 2019
Election 2019
| Two parties, three promises, three problems
Time to rethink the Great Australian Dream
Peter Clarke, Wendy Stone and Peter Mares
30 April 2019
Election 2019
| The central goals of housing policy have been lost in debates about tax breaks for landlords
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