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National affairs
How to make Australia fairer
Carmela Chivers
20 March 2019
We’re doing better than many comparable countries, but that’s not enough
Books & arts
Why houses cost too much
Brendan Coates
11 February 2019
| A blind spot among economists has helped price housing out of reach
From the archive
Buyer’s luck
Peter Mares
18 September 2018
Peter purchased, Carolyn rented, and then the market (and bad policies) took over
National affairs
“You don’t see people sleeping on the streets”
Peter Mares
7 September 2018
Finland’s Housing First strategy has all but eradicated homelessness. Could the same approach work in Australia?
National affairs
Good advice, and puzzling blind spots, in the IMF’s latest report on Australia
Tim Colebatch
23 February 2018
The International Monetary Fund gets some things right and some things wrong — but you wouldn’t necessarily know which from the coverage it’s had
National affairs
The conventional wisdom is wrong: building more housing does help low-income earners
Brendan Coates & Trent Wiltshire
22 February 2018
Flawed research has fuelled a mistaken view of the best way to assist less well-off households
Essays & reportage
“Okay. Let’s make some music”
Peter Mares
22 January 2018
Youth homelessness is more than a question of affordable accommodation. A new project shows how music can play an unexpected role
National affairs
Tactics versus strategy in Indigenous housing
Michael Dillon
18 January 2018
The federal government’s bargaining position will worsen the shortage of homes in remote communities
National affairs
There’s no silver bullet when it comes to housing affordability
Brendan Coates
12 January 2018
Treasury’s advice on negative gearing shows why tax reforms alone won’t solve the housing affordability crisis
National affairs
In search of a national housing strategy
Peter Mares
6 December 2017
Canada is showing the way, but the funds need to start flowing — and that means biting the bullet on tax
National affairs
Housing taxes: getting from here to there
Peter Mares
4 December 2017
A shift to a property tax will make the housing market fairer and more efficient, and researchers have come up with a practical way to do it
National affairs
Does public housing have a community-run future?
Peter Mares
30 November 2017
Projects in Australia and Britain are showing how social housing can be more nimble and responsive
Essays & reportage
Rush to judgement
Bronwyn Adcock
17 August 2017
Battle lines are drawn in Nowra over the complex causes of homelessness
National affairs
One census, three stories
Tim Colebatch
5 July 2017
Dig a little deeper, and the figures tell us unexpected things about more than one Australia
National affairs
Dealing cities in
Peter Mares
3 July 2017
Malcolm Turnbull’s efforts to bring the federal government back into urban policy will be put to the test in Western Sydney
National affairs
What comes after the housing boom?
Brendan Coates, John Daley & Trent Wiltshire
29 May 2017
It’s not so much the banks’ balance sheets we should be worried about, it’s the economy-wide impact of much larger household debts
National affairs
Another lost opportunity for housing affordability
Brendan Coates & John Daley
10 May 2017
The budget highlights the government’s preference for cosmetic rather than consequential changes in housing policy
National affairs
Options for housing affordability: the good, the bad and the cosmetic
Brendan Coates, John Daley & Trent Wiltshire
1 May 2017
Governments are favouring the easy but ineffectual options for reform
National affairs
Why should we care about housing affordability?
Brendan Coates, John Daley & Trent Wiltshire
27 April 2017
In the first of two articles, the Grattan Institute describes the profound effects of housing costs across the economy.
National affairs
“Housing first” takes second place
Lesley Russell
21 March 2017
A promising federal government homelessness strategy dissipated for lack of funding and political will
National affairs
On negative gearing and negative forecasts
Tim Colebatch
25 June 2016
The impact of the Reagan administration’s decision to abolish negative gearing shows how misconceived Australia’s debate has been, writes
Tim Colebatch
Essays & reportage
The right to be old
Melanie Joosten
17 June 2016
Ageing needs to be treated as a state of living rather than failing, argues
Melanie Joosten
in this extract from her new book
National affairs
The housing affordability trap
Saul Eslake
12 May 2016
Falling home ownership rates are bad for households
bad for the economy, writes
Saul Eslake.
Governments are starting to respond, but much more can be done
National affairs
A low-cost way to derail the housing debate
John Daley and Danielle Wood
3 March 2016
A new report on negative gearing rests on deeply flawed assumptions, write
John Daley
Danielle Wood
. But that hasn’t stopped the government from using…
National affairs
Truth and negativity in the negative gearing debate
Tim Colebatch
25 February 2016
It’s not too late for Malcolm Turnbull to regain some of the ground he’s lost on tax, says
Tim Colebatch.
Labor’s plan shows why he can’t afford…
National affairs
The new urban divide, and how to deal with it
Jane-Frances Kelly & Paul Donegan
29 September 2015
State and local governments need to break down the emerging division between job-rich and job-poor suburbs in Australia’s major cities, write
Jane-Frances Kelly
Books & arts
Australia reconstructs
Hannah Forsyth
15 June 2015
| Stuart Macintyre’s history of Australia in the 1940s is a big book in the best sense
National affairs
Time to slay some sacred cows
Michael Gill
13 February 2015
Better ways of dealing with the federal budget deficit would also boost growth, argues
Michael Gill
Essays & reportage
A place to call home
El Gibbs
5 February 2015
In her winning entry for the Gavin Mooney Memorial Essay Competition,
El Gibbs
looks at the link between housing security and mental health
National affairs
The rising costs of the great Australian dream
Peter Mares
28 August 2013
Without a change in policies, an ageing population is likely to reduce housing affordability and increase inequality, writes
Peter Mares
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