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Books & arts
Mary wrote crime; George committed it
Ken Haley
27 February 2025
A dual biography probes the underbelly of nineteenth-century Melbourne
Books & arts
Marvellous Melbourne’s Madame Brussels
Marian Quartly
21 August 2024
Historical detective work reveals more of the life of the city’s best-known brothel-keeper
National affairs
Dunkley’s Rorschach test
Peter Brent
1 March 2024
It’s the interpretation rather than the result that will have real-world effects
National affairs
Pharaoh’s curse
James Murphy
28 September 2023
Daniel Andrews’s legacy is written across Victoria in concrete and steel
National affairs
Aston: the implications
Tim Colebatch
3 April 2023
As its first leader warned, the Liberal Party can’t win office as the “party of reaction”
National affairs
The turn of the electoral cycle could be a long time coming
Tim Colebatch
27 January 2023
Labor is riding high across Australia, and the Greens are doing better than most observers acknowledge. Where does that leave the Coalition?
National affairs
Will Labor need to share power in Victoria?
Tim Colebatch
24 November 2022
Polls have inevitably tightened in Victoria, and the shape of the upper house continues to be anyone’s bet
National affairs
Victoria considers its verdict
Tim Colebatch
16 November 2022
The mood has shifted during the current election campaign, but the Liberals aren’t likely to be the beneficiaries
Books & arts
What drives Daniel Andrews?
Tim Colebatch
24 October 2022
Sumeyya Ilanbey has written a tough but fair-minded account of the high-handed premier
National affairs
Matthew Guy’s medical complications
James Murphy
7 October 2022
Will Victoria’s healthcare bidding war really benefit the opening bidder?
National affairs
The above-the-liners
Paul Rodan
30 September 2022
Short-sighted political calculus has preserved a seriously undemocratic upper house in Victoria
National affairs
Dominant Dan
Tim Colebatch
24 November 2021
A year before the next state election, the Victorian premier and his party are well ahead in the polls
Books & arts
Alternative histories
Marian Quartly
11 November 2021
Janet McCalman’s new book throws fresh light on Australia’s convict history
National affairs
Can Crown go down?
Charles Livingstone
22 July 2021
Submissions to the Victorian royal commission add to a powerful case against the once-burgeoning company
National affairs
This year’s budget, last year’s spending
Tim Colebatch
21 May 2021
Despite a booming state economy, the Victorian government plans even more stimulus
National affairs
The chant of East West Link
James Murphy
21 April 2021
Why are Victoria’s Liberals stuck on a controversial project twice rejected at the ballot box?
National affairs
Home ground disadvantage?
Ian Hancock
31 March 2021
Will a dysfunctional party organisation in his home state block Josh Frydenberg’s path to the Lodge?
National affairs
Stimulus, and more, for Victoria
Tim Colebatch
25 November 2020
A budget for Covid recovery ventures into contentious territory
National affairs
Victoria, a fine state
Saul Eslake
30 September 2020
Why are fines so popular in a state that sees itself as progressive?
National affairs
The gloves are off
Peter Brent
10 September 2020
Normal hostilities have resumed, and the target is the Liberals’ bête noire, Dan Andrews. Next up, Annastacia Palaszczuk…
National affairs
A lesson in humility
Michael Bartos
6 July 2020
Victoria’s experience underlines the need to acknowledge that Covid-19 outbreaks are inevitable and prepare better for them
National affairs
Spoils of office
Paul Rodan
18 June 2020
This week’s branch-stacking revelations highlight the sharp decline in philosophical differences among Labor’s factions
National affairs
John Cain was a leader of integrity, courage and vision… and still he lost Victoria’s top job
Tim Colebatch
23 December 2019
The former premier’s reputation has been unfairly distorted by his opponents
Essays & reportage
The month Victoria held its breath
James Murphy
16 October 2019
Four weeks of suspense culminated in the demise of Victoria’s most controversial modern-day government in October 1999
National affairs
Victoria: where black is always in
Tim Colebatch
28 May 2019
A state budget that’s somehow in surplus still plays the wrong kind of politics with infrastructure
National affairs
Victoria: where preferences whisper the name Hinch
Tim Colebatch
16 May 2019
Election 2019
| Glenn Druery is working his magic again, this time in his boss’s home state
National affairs
Greg Hunt’s zeitgeist problem
James Murphy
14 May 2019
Election 2019
| Chill winds have been buffeting the health minister from all sides
National affairs
Has the preference whisperer sealed his own fate?
Paul Rodan
14 December 2018
Victorian premier Daniel Andrews has come out of the election with the upper hand against the Legislative Council’s crowded crossbench
National affairs
A tale of two pittances
Kerry Ryan
14 December 2018
How far can $1200 get you in a state election? In one case, straight into the Legislative Assembly
National affairs
Final reckoning: nine views of Victoria’s election
Tim Colebatch
12 December 2018
Counting is nearly over and the post-poll landscape has become clear. But is Canberra listening?
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